Well this has
been a good week! I found out that its 99% sure that i leaving this cambio so i
will be out of here next tuesday. President said in the interview that I'm
going to be heading somewhere else so unless something drastic changes then
I'll be doing that. Anyway, it was another really good week! Things are a
little slow right now and we are kind of going through a lull but we are
working our butts off. we find so many good people but its just hard to get
them to church right now. but the lord is blessing us so much with miracles and
with success that we hadn't even planned of. It's so cool to see the progress
of people too.
Im not going
to lie, I've kind of been here in victoria for a long time and i love it so
much. its obviously hard sometimes because you know pretty much the entire city
and have knocked pretty much on every door and its like HMMM well where do i go
now? But its still bringing forth huge fruits. I am thrilled to see all the new
families we have and we are really busting our butts so they can start to
progress. the whole branch is excited about the halloween activity. i have been
talking it up to everyone so that will be great. the only bad part is that i
WONT BE HERE FOR IT. hahaha so lame. But it will be a huge thing for the branch
because we just are having a hard time retaining all the "fruits"
that we have had. LIke theres just a lot of people and its hard to contain. The
branch has 21 baptisms since JUNE. like thats just insane. They have all worked
hard and about 17 are active of those, but you just cant let those little ones
fall through the cracks. So we are working really hard and that Halloween
activity will be a ton of fun.
Anyway, this
week was great because i could really see the progress of my labor here. and
when i say "my" labor i refer to the little things i do in watching
heavenly father do the rest. Its honestly so incredible. This week we had a
noche de hogar with the familia Sanchez and with another family we are working
with right now, and Bernardo just took them under his wing and helped out so
much. They talked about the change in their families, they shared, it was just
amazing. Then on Sunday, he gave his testimony! He had wanted to give it the
first day he came to church too but didn't know he could. but yesterday he gave
his testimony and it made me cry. Its so crazy to see the change in people. he
thanked me for the stuff that i did for his family and i sat there thinking
"what are you TALKING about??? haha i didn't do anything! I was there for
in total, counting all the visits combined, 10 hours in your house. if that.
you have had this remarkable change and it is 100% the spirit." the more i
have been here and see him, and Josefina who also bore her testimony, and
carolina and Camila and cony and Esteban,who ALL went to the temple this week
and took FAMILY names, and Marcelo Medina who was counseling me and the rest of
the quorum about how to be a good missionary and is teaching everyone he can
find in the military and isn't drinking at parties and stuff because "he
is mormon" or what he tells people. like all these incredible changes in
people that just bring me to tears. Seeing 4 of my converts go to the temple
this week with their own names was just incredible too. Like I'm just so
grateful for the spirit because there are so many things that i could never do
and we have been so blessed.
Speaking of
blessed....Raquel. She is getting baptized next saturday the 26th. never heard
of her? thats because we found her sunday. Haha she went to church with her mom
who is a member in another city, then went to the TEMPLE with her mom (who is
like 86) and loved the temple. Said she felt at home and felt the spirit so
much. She is just flying along and is going to be a great little convert. Once
again wont be here for it....but she will be amazing. She is just a great
little lady, like 60 and has such a big heart. She is so cute and loves going
to church so much now. Cool stuff and basically just a gift on a silver platter
for two missionaries with no one to teach last week.
Anyway, thats
all for today. I'm super happy, loving the work, and ready to keep having new
challenges and keep stretching myself. Amazing how much progress hurts
sometimes. But, if it didn't hurt, we couldn't grow.
Anyway, love
you all ! Thanks for al the support and help on the halloween ideas! You're all
way more creative and we really need a relief society president here who could
do that. Actually even being ACTIVE would be great but HEY cant be too picky!
Elder Tengberg
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