First off
congrats Mary on your baptism!!! You're awesome and Zarah sounds like a really
solid convert. Also kind of bummed that you wont be getting me cool island
presents now but its cool you're staying!
WELL. haha
this has been another awesome week. this cambio is flying by so fast. We just
finished up with week 4 and we have another 2 weeks left int his cambio...which
probably means i have another 2 weeks in victoria. Kind of crazy, right? Crazy
to think that i got here in MAY, 5 months ago. haha so long, seriously. but its
really a huge blessing. I am sure going to miss this branch and its not sure
that I'm leaving yet but its like 90% sure which sucks because we are doing a
great job of finding some new families right now. We have a couple people in
the works for end of month baptisms and we are really trying hard to get them,
but people just always have their agency.
Conference was
SO good. That was basically the highlight of my week. As i sat and watched that
i realized that a year ago i had sat at my first one in arauco, still so scared
(and listening to it in spanish, so dumb. i literally learned nothing) and just
so afraid of what the time ahead of me was going to bring. But here i am a year
later, been so blessed in my mission to have had some success, met some great
people, been personally changed and molded by the lord, and seen a whole
different side of what i want for my life. Its crazy, because when i started,
all i wanted was to finish so i could get back to what i wanted to do. So i
could be Brady again. But little by little, i learn that what i wanted to be is
not merely a fraction of what the lord needs me to be. I am so grateful for the
mission because it just slowly shows you all of your faults, weaknesses,
sadnesses, and lets you get this glimpse of god{s love for you and for all of
his children. The conference was kind of a dramatic experience for me because i
had some serious questions that were all answered. but even the things that
were answered was just like, "Keep up the good work, and don't forget that
I've got something much better planned for you." haha it was awesome
though. I loved loved loved one of the talks from saturday sessions. It was the
70 from south africa i believe, elder dabe, and i just loved it. What he talked
about never looking back was so critical. Especially here in my mission, I've started
to look back and think that "hey, I've done a lot. Thats cool!" and
its so against what god needs for us. As i left this spiritual bubble of
conference and went outside to see men passed out on the ground at 3 pm, drunk,
families fighting in the streets, children was just such a reminder
that our little bubble we live in is so small. No matter WHO or what quantity
comes to the church, there are millions that are not. and even so many that ARE
members are inactive. Its truly heartbreaking but it gives me so much
motivation to keep going. We all have to fight for our little circle that we
can affect! And the talk about not being perfect right away, but a daily fight
to carry the cross and become different, that was awesome too. its kind of the
mission, because its hard not to see the big picture and to take one day at a
time. but thats the only way to have success. Just be the BEST elder tengberg
that i can be today and do what i can to improve.
Anyway, we are
planning here a couple activities! I was trying to figure out why the ward has
seemed bored lately and its because we haven't done an activity in 3 weeks.
hahaha thats how common these things have become. But we are going to do a
Minute-To-Win-It night here in a couple weeks and then a halloween party.
So mom or shardae if you have ideas for halloween games or things to do let me
know! All i really remember from halloween is taking out all the Junior Mints
and sweet tarts for there more to it? Haha love you dad.
Anyway, i
don't have too much else to talk about. We are working with 3 people right now,
Andres - A 40
year old man who has had a REALLY hard life. lives basically in a shack. he is
trying to give up smoking right now and is struggling but we are working hard
with him. its crazy because at first i thought "the church needs people
who are ready and ready to work" but that is so contrary. Every person is
needed in Gods church and every person has a place. They may not be the
Marcelo´s who bring entire TRAINS to the church, but god loves him just as much
if not more than he loves me. And more than anything, HE needs the church. So
we are working really hard with him. We gave him a white shirt and tie last
week and we are trying to get him to wear it but he is a bit stubborn haha.
Also he hunts all the time and gave us smoked rabbit. cool huh? you like rabbit
right dad?
Alexis - a 16
year old boy, reference from a joven from the ward. An awesome kid, so strong
in his faith. We are working with him for an end of the month baptism. he has
had a tough life, his step dad died 2 weeks ago in a car crash and his mom
almost died as well. He is obviously receptive to the gospel but its been a
longer desire than just now. he is a great kid with great faith. Hopefully you
hear more about him soon!
Heriberto y Mauricio - Una familia de 3 who we are working with! She has gone
to church 3 times and is so faithful. She came from a really hard background
too...she was actually really smart and then had an accident and it completely
screwed up her mind. LIke she is fine now but she still thinks a little slower
and is just completely innocent. its adorable because she ALWAYS has food for
us when we come and always has little lemon pies. heck i LOVE lemon pie so I'm
there. And her husband has wanted nothing but he is starting to come around. We
finally just had a noche de hogar with the 13 year old son and he FINALLY is
coming around. this has been a month process but the results are coming! We are
also thinking end of the month for them too. Anyway, thats the crew right now
Love you all
so much. You're amazing, so loving, and do way too much for me. We have
interviews with Presidente Martinez tomorrow so ill probably know my cambio
before next weeks letters. pray for me!
Elder Tengberg
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