Well. Haha my
time in Victoria has come to a close! It's bittersweet. Crazy to think that 6
months ago I got here because it seems like yesterday and it's just flying by
so fast. Crazy to think that in this little branch we have seen talent shows,
movie nights, trains, holidays, cookies, empanadas, and so many people
baptized. It has just been an incredible journey and I'm so glad that i was
able to be here for the time that I was able to be here. It has been a huge
blessing honestly. I think here I learned a lot about myself and its going to
be hard to let it go. Im super, super excited for my new zone and for a new
challenge, but its just hard leaving the people behind. They are so focused on
the work though and the majority truly understand the depth of all this. Even
Bruno, who has been struggling a little bit with old temptations, told me this
week after i gave them a present, that "we didn't do this just to do it.
Even if the girls are sick and we can't go, or we cant make it, know that we
did this for forever and we want an eternal family." It was such a deep
comment and just made me SO grateful for all of this. Honestly have had one of
the most blessed experiences here and its for nothing that I did. haha I'm just
a 20 year old boy who loves to do fun activities and mess around, and the Lord
does so many miracles that he just lets us watch. Bernardo and Marcelo are
still the studs....this week Bernardo received the priesthood, came in his suit
and is progressing like crazy, and will be called as YM president next week
haha. marcelo wants to get baptized and always teases us by saying "You
guys hate me and don't want to baptize me." and we are like NO WE DO!!!!
haha but he is ready for April when they have their big wedding and baptism the
next day. This week at a military convention, one of his bosses saw him reading
the Book of Mormon and said "You're mormon?!" and Marcelo said
"And you ARENT? what are you waiting for! its the new thing!" hahaha
so funny. But he actually asked me for a Doctrine & Covenants book too
because he wanted to keep reading more that he hasn't been able to read in the
Book of Mormon. Just such miraculous people that I am so grateful to have
known. Seriously i consider myself so blessed and feel so humbled being a
missionary here in Chile. These are people that I am going to treasure my
entire life. Tonight we are going to do a little get together in the chapel
before I leave, and I'm just excited but also so so so sad to have to say
goodbye to them. Anyway....that's the mission!
SO! My new
zone is ANGOL! ITs pretty close to here and its a pretty field-ish type of
place (campo doesn't translate so i have no idea how to describe it?) and i am
so so so excited. It will be my first time in an actual ward, not just a
branch. So it will be weird working with a real ward with more than 60
people! My companion will be Elder Medina, a good friend of mine here in the
mission. He is a super short little Chilean kid who is just a riot to be
around. He has been in my zone before and we have always been good friends, so
I am so so so excited to work with him. Two of my other good friends are going
to the same zone too so it is going to be a blast. Excited to work harder than
I ever have, to love the people another time, and to baptize more families that
want to be together forever. Thanks for all the support and I will send
pictures next week of the despedida tonight!
Until ANGOL!
Elder Tengberg
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