Well WOW what
a week. Seriously i cant even comprehend how this week passed by so fast. Haha
the mission is starting to go by so much faster and i hate it :/ I dont want
this to end! Like i just love living here in chile and i dont know what the
heck i did before the mission but it sure wasnt as effective as this. like what
did i do with my time? Did i just sleep all day or what? oh yeah....i played
nba jam with andrew. #truelife #NBAJamandYoohoo, nothing better.
Anyway, first
things first. Friday we had an activity called "Grados de Gloria", or
actually "Viaje a madagascar". basically it was just this activity
where we simluated "the mortal life" by going to an island for 45
minutes. so we all started in the cultural hall in the fake plane, then flew to
"the island" or went to the earth, and then had time there to do or
choose certain activities. if people wanted to go into the dance club or play playstation,
they have to pay. if they listened to me or watched a mormon message, they got
paid money. so by the end people had certain amounts of money according to what
they had done on the island. it was a pretty cool activity. it could be REALLY
cool and extremely impactful on a stake level with a ton of persons and a lot
more than 40 dollars for the amount. we had to buy all the decorations and the
food and everything, including drinks for the airplane, little plastic cups,
pretzels, everything. but it was super fun and we did the best we could. we had
been planning it for the branch for about 3 weeks so i was pretty bummed when
not a ton of people showed up. but hey, you cant force them to come. anyway, it
turned out really fun. we had to do a ton of last minute scrambling to get
things ready and everything, but we made it work. i dont have any pictures
because my camera died right before it started, but ill get some pictures from
elder page next week. anyway, the whole point is that after the activity,
people get back on the plane and they all die. and then they get assigned to
certain kingdoms based on what they "did" on the island. it was
really sad when literally like 1 or two people went to the celestial
kingdom....hahaha kind of defeats the purpose of being there when you're alone,
but HEY the idea was still the same. But either way we worked our butts off for
that activity and we tried really hard to make it meaningful for the members,
so we were happy that the people who did come had a good time.
THEN on sunday
we had our super sunday! We had been planning this for about a month, and had
invitied president martinez and everything. the responsibility was that every
single member had to bring a friend to church. and .....5 did it. haha CMON
GUYS: but its good because we had 8 investigators there and a ton of less
actives came that day, so it actually turned out really well. turns out a lot
of the members just ended up inviting less actives which is alos good. We had
76 people in church which was more than double than the first week we had here
in coronel, so the members were SO excited. like seriously everyone after was
just so happy and saying hi and bye to each other, and there was just a ton of
fuego in the members. president martinez made a really cool comment in his talk
about "who should be here that isnt?" and thats what we have been
asking the members these past two days. everyone we have asked has said they
had SOMEONE come to their mind during that question, so now we have been helping
them all understand that those are spiritual promptings and we shouldnt negate
them. so hopefully the 76 we had there becomes a springboard for the future and
doesnt go down at all. there are just so many problems that are fixed when MORE
people come to church. the youth are happier, there are more classes, more
interaction, more happiness. everything is better! But president just nailed
the talk. He is seriously such a stud. He is just such a spiritual man. Like
the SECOND he starts talking you just immediately feels like he loves you so
much. He is so happy and animated and then the second it gets to the testimony,
he changes SO much and the whole room goes quiet. I just look up to him so
much. He brought a fuego to coronel on sunday and we are going to try and help
keep it going so that the branch really takes off. we sure need it! But the
coolest part was that after church, Marcelo and Paola went up to him and asked
him if elder salazar could stay (he goes on tuesday). it was one of the coolest
experiences for us. I know i havent told you much in the past couple weeks but
it has gotten SO much better between us. When we found out that he was leaving
the sector we were both genuinely really sad. We wanted to stay together
another cambio because we already have 6-7 people that are going to get
baptized this next month and we are just on fire working together. We are so
happy together and have just completely changed from where we started. We laugh
every day, play jokes on each other, do service. Its just a genuinely fun time
now and im going to miss him so much. he is going to Loncoche in the south of
the mission so he will freeze so bad, but he will kill it down there too.
Well thats all
for today. Ill be getting a new companion wednesday....and the reason why im
pregnant is because he is coming fresh from the mtc! IM HAVING A KID! (This is
Sharon.... I know it is weird for him to be using these words, but
"pregnant" means that he will be getting a new "son" or
training a new missionary. I am so proud of him for being the type of young man
that the mission president trusts to train other missionaries. ) Haha im scared
out of my mind to train him but he will probably end up training me more. these
new kids coming from the mtc are such studs. they are seriously way different
than i was when i came out 6 months ago. i heard the mtc changed their program
so ill just blame it on that and not that the fact that they're just better.
but we´re super excited! and im staying in coronel which makes me happy. but
more about him next week! We are super stoked.
Until next
week! Bring your friends to church and introduce them to the
missionaries....your friends need the gospel!
Anyway, love
you guys!
Ciao ciao!
Elder Tengberg
Elder Tengberg
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