i have just
barely skimmed over your emails, but i printed them out and im going to read
them on the bus later. It sounds like you all are doing so well. i sure love
you all! Dad great work on climbing mt. palomar, you would love chile. just
pure hills EVERYWHERE. and they are literaly vertical. im talking worse than
that part of bandy! Just so awful. haha but we happen to avoid those
places....cant imagine why.
Great job on
auntie gin coming down to SD too! IM sure that was a hard move but i promise
yull be taken care of.
Well this week
has literally been insane. Just spiritual highs, spiritual lows, and everything
in between. A few miracles, a few sicknesses, what else is new? just an average
week in the mission.
also congrats
to MARY for having a baptism next month! That is seriously the coolest thing
ever. i cant even imagine how hard it is to find people who are interested over
there. i cant even imagine asking someone if they believe in god and have them
saying "No". its happened twice in my whole mission. haha you are
incredible mar, im excited to hear more about how christopher is doing.
to even start. This sector is incredible. I really hope i can stay here 5 or 6
cambios. I feel like i am really connecting with some people here, really
starting to understand the basic problems of the branch, everything. We have
SUCH a good relationhsip with our branch president and since he is just 23, we
are really trying to help him more. Poor guy is studying, working, trying to
find a wife, and has a branch of 40 members active but 500 on the rosters. kind
of a lot to put on his shoulders.but we talked with him for about 2 hours last
night after he came by our house, and he just told us how much he appreciates
all our effort. We were so grateful to hear that, and are super excited to
really work more closely with him and the leaders here in the church. Its just
hard because they dont have a whole lot to work with. Like when you have 3 men
who actively come to sacerdocio, where do you start? Hey all lets go home
teaching! Like its just hard. But we realize where some of the main problems
are and are going to try and force these members to work harder by just
visiting them more and challenging them more. Good stuff.
of amazingness. FIrst of all, Domitila got baptized! It was yet another
INTERESTING coronel baptism, complete with cold water and me having to SPRINT the
mile back to our house form the church (probably ran it in 5 minutes, no joke)
to get my baptismal pants because i forgot them....like seriously? after all
that? after 4 weeks of teaching and challenging and planning and reading, and i
forget my own baptismal pants. cmon tengberg. But she got baptized all
perfectly and is actually giving the talk next sunday. pretty cool. we are
super happy about her and really glad that she has taken this step. now its
just time to push harder with her husband so that he can take the same step
too. SO keep praying for oscar and lets hope he gets it together.
But the
MIRACLE for the week has been Claudia. You all who read this (all 5 of you)
know that we have been working so hard with this family. Joaquin and Claudia
have now come to church two sundays in a row with their whole family, which is
so special. but we had a miracle this week! Wednesday i had to go to conce with
elder wray because we had a meeting up there, so elder baez (elder wrays
companion) was in coronel with elder overson (my companion). they had a good
day, and went by claudia and joaquin that day. but i didnt know that because we
had both the phones. So as i came back from conce with elder wray, we were so
inspired from listening to Elder Zwick (he knows gary sabin and also is the
brother of sister jergensen if i understood correctly! VERY good man. seriously
incredible) and just prayed for a miracle. He said elder holland said in a
meeting "go get astonished". or basically, go look for the miracles
that the lord WANTS to give. So we did. We prayed in the bus, and i just felt
so strongly that we should pass by claudia. SO we went by, sat down, they told
us the other elders had left not even an hour before, and we taught. We
basically read a scripture about baptism, and were just like "Claudia, we
know you know this is true. You have felt the spirit so strongly testifying to
you, and you have seen the power of the change this message has brought to your
family. Will you follow the example of jesus christ and be baptized on may 4th
with your daughter?" and after about a minute of painful silence, she
started to cry and said yes. It was SO incredilbe. Joaquin was just like
dumbfounded. Haha it was so awesome though and one of those sweet tender
mercies the lord gives us. It was really cool for me to be with elder wray too,
we had a great time teaching together again. So yeah, May 4th will be Leyre,
Claudia and also Miguel! Haha kind of crazy. But this is just a great process
for that family. They have their eyes set on the temple, and are taking the
steps necessary to get their family where it needs to be. Just such a cool
Miguel is just
a beast....has accepted everything we have thrown at him, reads, comes to
church before the members do, is so happy. He gets baptized on the 4th as
Romina is
another lady we are teaching right now too. She is the mom of Bastian, a joven
that we have taught a couple times. She works in the hospital so she hasnt been
able to go to churhc becaus they just call her in randomly, but she is SO
amazing. She feels the spirit so strong and is just looking for something to
help out her son. She is a single mom, has a 13 year old boy who is a little
crazy and needs some guidance. like there is just nothing more perfect than the
gospel. it makes me so happy to see her taking these steps and while i have no
idea when she will be able to get baptized because she has a hard time going to
church, we will work with her either way. We are just so happy to see this
success right now in Coronel. There are people who are changing their lives,
and the lord is just DUMPING blessings on us right now that we in no way
deserve. I am so grateful to be a missionary and couldnt imagine a more
satisfying life than this. If you have friends (blake sorry this wont apply to
you) SHARE THE GOSPEL WITH THEM. Invite them to church. be persistent. All my
friends reading this, im teaching you what i teach out here when i come back.
talk to a missionary. people, share the gospel with your friends because you
cant even imagine the CLOUDS of darkness that people have in their lives. pray,
choose three names, and invite them to church this week. tell them you have
been thinking about them, you love them, and you want them to come with you to
church because it is the happiest thing in your life and they need it too. The
gospel is real, and everyone needs it. Look for miracles and follow the spirit!
I sure do love
being a missionary. I am so so so happy and love coronel. VAMOS CHILE!
also elder
zwick showed us the picture of the conce temple! SOO pretty. its way better
than santiago (sorry taygoe) and we just need people to fill it now. But its in
the works. haha so pretty though! i sure hope im here when its built on or
opened. if not, we are taking a road trip down here because i want to be a part
of it!
this week:
mini ping pong DESTROYED our language study time. so fun. who sent this to me?
whoever did, i love you. so fun.
we got shots.
not fun.
baptisms. also
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