Familia! ¿Como
les va?
This week was
fun. We had a ton of stuff to do that wasn't normal proselyting stuff so that
was kind of frustrating, but the Lord is honestly blessing us so much and we
are just in shock about it. I'm low on time though so I'll just get right to
the chase!
So a couple
weeks ago i had bought Nutella for some reason and it had just been sitting on
my desk forever, and then this week we ran out of food. So all i had left was
Nutella and Peanut Butter. Haha WOW did that blow my mind. Like some days i
wonder "How in the world have i gotten so fat on the mission?" and
then other days i realize "How in the world have i not gotten fatter on
the mission?" That thought may have crossed my mind as Elder White and I
ate the entire jar of nutella with peanut butter in 2 nights. Sad, but true.
I'm not ashamed! But seriously that was so good. I think I've just been here in
Chile for so long that i forget there are other flavors. Food here is pretty
bland because they just use salt to season stuff, like they don't ever use
pepper or anything. it's seasoned with salt, lemon, oil or mayonesa, those are
kind of the only options. So throwing a little nutella on a spoon is about the
most exotic and surprising thing that has happened in quite a long time. Also,
sorry for dedicating an entire paragraph about nutella in my letter, this is
probably not what you want to hear about, is it?
Other than
THAT exciting news though, we are teaching a new family! Lili, Mauricio,
Sebastian (14) and the other son who is 10 who i haven't met yet. We are so
excited about them. They will be a very slow process but we are honestly stoked
to see how this goes. Our 1st counselor in the bishopric works with her and she
has always been super interested in the fact that he talks about eternal
families and life after death, stuff like that. She is religious but just feels
so many questions and knows there has to be more answers. Anyway she invited us
over on Thursday night and after we taught almost all of the plan of salvation,
her husband walked in! We were teaching with that member of the church so it
was just us 4. But when her husband walked in she got super scared and we found
out that she hadn't told him!
Haha so i start freaking out trying to figure out
how to make a joke and loosen the situation so he doesn't freak out when he
sees a whole bunch of Mormons in his living room. Anyway turns out he is a
super nice guy and sat down and started telling us how much he has always
wondered what we believe in and has always had a ton of questions and stuff. So
perfect! And in her closing prayer she thanked Heavenly Father for sending him
there right at that moment and for having her family together. We didn't even
get to teach him that much, but they will read the Book of Mormon and we are
going to see them again next Friday and she said she wants her kids to listen,
si o si. So thats going to be awesome! We are really excited about them.
Other than
that, not much else is new. We had transfers this week and it always blows my
mind how inspired President is. It makes me see a little bit into what God sees
in us i think. We saw some new kids come in who are very, very talented.
Who have a ton of potential. But i just loved how he said "They can sure
do a lot. We will see if they choose to get there though!" and it just
made me realize that God wants us all to succeed. Its not like we are
preordained for failure! He just lets us choose if we want to become what we
are destined to become or not - if we want an eternal family or not, it's all
within our grasp. As children of God, we have no limitations. We ourselves put
them! I'm grateful for a Heavenly Father who took a chance on me and is letting
me grow little by little. I know i have made so many mistakes but I'm grateful
that he lets me keep going to try and get to that final piece one day. And I'm
so grateful that I can be a missionary to try and help other people see their
potential too!
Love you all.
Hope you have a great week. And remember - hastening the work doesn't just mean
working faster. It means working with more people! God called about 20,000 more
missionaries, but he called all of us members. He wants more of his kids saved
- and its our responsibility to help them get there.
Les quiero
Elder Tengberg
also....elder white and i found these incredible driving gloves. HAha every
time people get into the car with us we put them on and act serious about it,
glasses and gloves. He kind of looks like the guy from the Transporter, huh?
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