Thursday, March 13, 2014

Only Time Will Tell- Email 3/8/14

WOW am i tired! It seems like i just wrote you all yesterday but at the same time it seems like its been forever. I guess thats just time in the mission, it just doesn't exist! Days seem like years, and weeks seem like minutes. Crazy stuff.

Anyway, this week had a lot of traveling because it was the mission conference! It was my first time since i have been here in San Pedro, so it was weird having to put it on and stuff. Anyway that was really fun though. It was definitely intimidating having to teach and train 125 missionaries in each conference but it was exciting! Good stuff. We talked a lot about working with members and made it really fun and stupid, so that was nice. President thought we did a really good job so i was happy with that. It kind of made me feel stupid though because we go up there and give this little cheesy presentation, and then president just comes in and gives the best discourse I've heard him give since I've been here. it was just incredible. haha like seriously?! it had to be the one where elder white and i have to teach too. But here's what he talked about...

President was baptized at age 18. Elder Barton and Elder Galvez were opening up the area, the Chileno training the little American kid. They found Osvaldo (my mission president) and he took 6 months to get baptized. In the beginning, he would run away and sneak out the back window to avoid them, but they kept persisting and persisting a ton and eventually it worked. President had talked a lot to his Chilean missionary but had never talked to or seen Elder Barton again since his baptism. Anyway, a couple months back president invited the two of them to come for a mission conference - so they did! They both flew in for the two conferences, and the whole mission knew people were coming but they didn't know who. So we made up a bunch of lies and just said "prepare yourselves" to everyone - everyone thought it was either Holland or Monson haha. BUT it was an amazing experience. As president talked about his conversion experience, showing the baptismal photo he had (that he had actually never seen until Tuesday morning when the American showed it to him) and then his mission photo, temple photo, and setting apart. It was so cool to see the change that he took in his life and the steps that he took to come to where he is now. It was so powerful to talk to the American missionary, because he said when he got off the plane, he had the task of looking for this man who he baptized 28 years earlier (president martinez is only 46, isn't that insane?!). he said that when he saw him, he knew he was a man of God and just felt this incredible joy come over him. As i talked to him personally afterward, he said its what he imagines the celestial kingdom being like - all of us recognizing those we helped and rejoicing that we have made it. ANYWAY, as president presented them, he broke into tears, and there was honestly not a dry eye in the audience. It was so emotional. Just crazy to see the fruits of ones labors so far in the future. He said, "These men changed my life. They saw in me what i never saw in myself, and wouldn't let me go until i started working toward it". It was so cool. Basically his whole message was about working and seeing beyond the moment. As missionaries we don't always see success instantaneously, but we often work hard. People make their decisions and choose not to accept, a lot of seeds are planted. but every person we see has a divine potential and can become great things in the future. We are often wrong to judge people or write them off too soon. Anyway, for many of us it was a life-changing moment. How we all wish that many years later the people we taught and knew will thank us for everything! Anyway, that was a cool experience.

In other news...the two families are doing great! Elder White and I actually decided we wanted to share them with the two other elders who work here in the office, so last night we scheduled them at the same time and asked for their help. It went so well. Lili has a ton of questions like usual, but is progressing so fast. Haha i felt like i hadn't taught so poorly in such a long time, but she somehow managed to learn still with her two kids and they said they are going to go to church tomorrow. Elder White went with Elder Jones, the person who is in charge of all the mission equipment and tables and name tags and books, etc. to Rodrigo (the bread-maker) and Lorena. Elder White and i were thinking all day and we came up with a fun lesson for the two families based on chocolate chip cookies. Sounds like a very Elder Tengberg thing to do, huh? Anyway it was awesome. We made some ones that were full of salt and then some good ones, and the idea was that God has a recipe for his church and for success. It includes prophets, apostles, the authority, revelation, etc. and it has to be exact. If one thing isn't there, then it wont work. We gave them the bad ones first and they obviously hated it (the sweet mom said "These are so good! Thanks elders!" and we were like hermana, we know they suck, its a joke." and then she spit it out and literally ran from the room to go get juice. haha so funny) and told them that after Christ died, many people started to "change the recipe", doing things that weren't right, and because there were no apostles to maintain the doctrine pure, those unwarranted changes resulted in false churches and false teachings. Or really salty cookies. Haha anyway it was really fun and both families loved it. Rodrigo and his family said that they are going to go to church next week, so that is a miracle. Missionaries have literally been working on them for years and just finally are things starting to turn around. It's amazing how the Lord prepares people for certain moments. Things are just right in the kids lives and the parents are seeing changes they don't want to see in their teenage daughter, and there comes the need for the gospel. We are very blessed to be teaching two families! Anyway, that's all for this week. I'm so grateful for being out here and seeing all these miracles every week. Sometimes i feel like there is so much more to be done that we don't do, but i just remember what President Martinez said and be patient that time will show us what we really have done. I love you all!

Elder Tengberg

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