Sunday, June 8, 2014

You Mean We Can't Drink Green Tea???? -Email 6/7/14

Well, you're all going to hate me because this email is going to be very short because I only have 6 minutes left! Haha oops! I started writing a lot of my friends and I got real distracted. Sorry about that.

But it's been an awesome week. I have been praying so so much to maintain my focus and it's been an awesome week all around. I just didn't want to lose enthusiasm and I don't feel like i have at all! Like obviously a lot of little things start creeping into your mind but I feel for the most part the Lord has protected me and kept me pretty focused on missionary work still. This week it was really cool because i went with a missionary on an exchange to a sector called Curacautin, a place where it SNOWED! haha i worked in the snow! Mary talked about crazy hot weather and here i am with my feet soaking wet and my hands purple because I gave all my winter clothes away last winter. It was so funny though and the missionary I worked with gave me one of the best compliments. I was actually his zone leader last year when i was in Angol, and he said "You seem more excited to work than you did last year! I thought you would be all trunky and ready to go home" so I was so touched to hear that. There is nothing more fun for me still than being in the street and just talking to everyone and their brother. It was a super fun week, I learned a lot, we had some awesome miracles, and I am awfully grateful.

Minus the fact that my companion Elder Paris keeps calling me and telling me at random points of the day "Hey Elder Tengberg! You have 240 hours left" I'm doing very well and happy. This we took the whole mission and did a training with them. I was with Elder Anderson, and Elder White and Elder Paris were in the north while we took the south. It was s super fun week. We got to teach a  lot of missionaries, and had some scares as well. We went to Angol, my old zone, and one of the hermanas informed us that the 250 juice boxes that we had bought for the ENTIRE mission were, in fact, filled with extracts of green tea. Well they all started freaking out and I have a little revolution on my hands because no one wants to drink the dang juice! I try explaining to them that 1) I didn't know, and that 2) its EXTRACTS of ANTIOXIDANTS of green tea, and not actual tea. Finally they still don't believe me and I called Hermana Martinez, the presidents wife, and she laughed and was like Elder obviously just drink it! It's fine! So they all got a little less rebellious but it was funny. I almost lost control of the mission. That would have been good huh? We also had forgotten the ethernet cable for the internet so we had a internet presentation with no internet, so we had to go run during the opening of the thing and go buy one, and then we also had no suits on because I had in fact told ALL of the zone not to come in suits because I wanted the training to have a more informal participative and fun feel and not a serious typical "we are training you" formal feel. Turns out my idea of creating that new atmosphere was NOT in fact okay, president asked me afterwards (he happened to show up to that training we were doing, he wasn't going to be in any of them) why we had no suits on! I thought of being funny and asking him why he HAD one on if I had specifically told everyone to come without suits, but I chose to be humble and say sorry. Haha I thought that would have been funny. is good. It was a rather disastrous training in Angol, but the rest of the week was smooth as water! Is that a phrase? Whats really smooth? Isn't there a phrase for something like that? 

Anyway, i love you all! The mission has changed my life. Crazy to think that all that remains is a week and a's gone by too fast and I'll miss it more than anything. But I'm also excited for the next chapter of life! It'll be interesting, that's for sure. Love you all!

CuĂ­dense mucho! 

Elder Tengberg

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