Well hellooo
family! I wish I had more news, but I feel like I just don't have much crazy
stuff happening right now! But i guess thats better than having too much crazy
stuff happening. Sometimes it's nice to have a nice relaxing week. But there
were some funny stories this week in between all the capacitations and the
interviews that we finished up this weekend...
Martinez (the mission president's wife)- I love her SO much, seriously. I
didn't know her that well before because we were never really around Presidents
wife but i just know her so much better now and i love her to death. This week
we got talking about Elders eating habits and she literally DIED when she heard
what we eat every day. We told her that the culprit of the elders never having
money on the mission is that in every city all the elders know who has the best
churrasco - its like a hamburger but the meat is thinly sliced and its a whole
lot more meat, and guacamole and tomato and mayo (of course, its homemade mayo
too. nice and thick! yummy huh? yeah stop gaggin everyone i swear its good) and
its on a bread the size of a plate. for 4 dollars. and they deliver it free.
Like we ALL know where the best places are...haha its hilarious. And she said
"You eat that?! Elder! Oh my gosh....no. (her favorite english phrase is
oh my gosh haha). What time do you eat it at?" and we had to tell her its
always like 10 45 because right before we go to bed. Anyway....she about died.
We wonder why we all gain weight here on the mission in chile and its kind of
hard to see why huh? She told us to eat "all vegetables" at night if
we want to be healthier. Like really? Really hermana? Do you think i would eat
carrots or some broccoli when this cool guy on a motorcycle will BRING me a
hamburger? The states need that. in n out delivery. I'm starting it up. Me and
Andrew would be the biggest customers.
stuff....today we went to la Feria. Its just basically a farmers market but
really really ghetto. They just take over the streets and they put out all of
the most random stuff and put out fruit and vegetables. Its super cheap too.
Literally i bought 6 kilos of fruit (thats about 12 pounds right?) for 7 dollars.
Thats awesome isn't it? if not then don't tell me because I'm really proud of
the deal i got. Anyway the funny story is that today elder white and i went to
buy bananas. Thats all we wanted. BANANAS. i came out with 6 kilos of fruit, 30
eggs, a new jersey of the Brazilian national soccer team (very cool, great
deal) and sunglasses for the car. The fair beat me. You can never beat the
fair. I'm convinced of it....you cant beat the fair.
But the
sunglasses do look good. Elder White and i bought matching ones to use when we
drive Margarita (our truck). Haha i love that kid so much. We are honestly such
good friends and I'm loving being around him. He is a utah state fan which is
kind of lame but its fine, ill convert him to BYU one day. He´s just a little lost.
On a more
serious note, this was honestly a great week. I had a really cool experience
Tuesday that just made me love being a missionary so much. I was in some random
little city called VilcĂșn and i had a very good day with an elder there. I
hadn't taught a lesson in like 5 days because of interviews we had with
missionaries and traveling and random stuff like that, and then when i sat down
to teach again after 5 days, just me and a companion and a family we found, i
started crying because i know the gospel is true. As i talked to them, the
words seemed so familiar to me and i just couldn't contain sharing every little
part of my heart with them. Honestly...incredible. I love being a
missionary so much. There is no greater joy than sharing our testimony of the
truthfulness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the joy of
seeing when people realize that their lives can be immensely more happy with
it. Im so grateful to be here and treasure every single day. I truly do. I
treasure being here and treasure this chance that i have to be a representative
of Jesus Christ.
Love you all.
Elder Tengberg
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