Well hello!
Sorry this letter is going to be really short. We just have been all over the
place this week and now P.day is just finally a day to calm down and relax a
little bit. Thanks for all your emails, seriously. Its such a blessing to get
them every single week. You are all doing so well. I wish i had some really
cool new stuff to tell you all but not too much has happened.
One cool thing
though this week was "El Diluvio". Really cool to see this whole
process happen actually. Seeing the mission from a different perspective is
helping me so much to see the role a mission plays in the life of a young man.
We had this idea last week to try a random challenge and put it for the
mission. So we came up with "The flood" and we had the idea to do
1000 baptismal invitations as a mission this week. We are still going but we
have like 600 so we are doing much better than an average week. Revelation came
little by little....which surprised me so much. SO many times we think we have the
answer or the spiritual confirmation of something and then little by little the
Lord makes it better if we keep diligent and not just pray once.
Truly incredible to see that first hand and stuff. Anyway, the idea was that if
the missionaries each do 10 baptismal invitations this week to someone they are
teaching, they will find someone that will be ready to be baptized in February
and March. The responses were incredible....like the missionaries who really
trusted in the promise we made them and are doing it, are seeing
miracles incredibly. Other ones started putting up excuses and saying it wasn't
possible, and did it halfheartedly and aren't seeing anything to be honest. But
its just been crazy to see that the mission teaches so much to have faith and to
really exercise on it. Before the mission, i believed in the gospel. I really
did. I believed it was real, i knew it was what i needed to do, and i knew that
what i was going to do was true. But i guess i had never really put my faith to
much of a test. But now I see any trial and i don't care how it looks, i truly
have the faith and confidence that its going to work out (even if its not the
way i want) because i have seen so many miracles time and time again. I am
really grateful for this experience and so grateful that i am able to be here
to learn and strengthen my testimony that God is a REAL being, with real power
and really cares about us. Its 100% changed my life.
IN other
news...we bought cool new jerseys! haha I've become the biggest fan of soccer.
I am so excited because apparently the world cup starts in june right as I'm
getting home. SO we bought these jerseys the other day and are loving them. Can
i be chilean forever? Is that allowed?
One funny
story - the other day we were at some interviews at a zone and president had
asked us to do a capacitation with some missionaries. So he gave us his laptop
and stuff and we were using it, and he had given it to elder medina so i wasn't
too worried about it. Anyway at the very end, like 6 o clock, we start to leave
and he asks "Oh elders, where is my laptop?" and i look at E Medina
and he said "You gave it to both of us..." and completely
throws me under the bus. So we start looking for it all over the church, and
president was getting super mad at us. I was freaking out trying to think how
much money that would cost and stuff....finally i ended up looking in
Presidents bag and it was there. He watched me do it and said "is it
there? Thats weird, who put it there?" and i was like YOU DID! and he said
"ahh...don't lose my computer again elders." hahaha yeah. President
is a goofy guy. Loves to play jokes on us and make fun of us and stuff like
that, but he always gets the last laugh -_- i have a lot to learn!
But my
favorite part of the week has been getting to know Hermana Martinez (the
Mission President's wife). Literally every day this week i was driving to the
south and got to know her more, and she is hilarious. She knows english so we
have been teaching her fun words like rascal and goofball and stuff to say to
her kids. But my favorite part of the week was when i got her crying laughing
because some lady at a fast food place tried to give me my food without the
extra guacamole. I muttered "I may be white but I'm not stupid" and
she literally died laughing. Its been her new favorite phrase this week. Im
Loving life
right now! Lots of stuff to be happy about :) Thanks for all you do.
Elder Tengberg
also, Concepcion
is honestly beautiful. i love this city so much! We made tacos today too and
elder Dominguez my ex companion had someone ship him chilies from mexico...i
died. Chilean food is nothing to mexican food...so dang spicy! Here are the 6
of us that live together though. Elder Carlson, Elder Medina, Elder Jones, Me,
Elder Dominguez, Elder White.
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