Sunday, January 5, 2014

Family Feud- Email 12/9/2013

well helloooo family! another week here in angol. Hot as ever, more sweat than i knew was possible. and a lot more families than i knew existed! haha thats all i have to write, right? i can sign off now? no? yeah k cool.

anyway this week was super sweet. We are doing a lot of good stuff, we have our noche en gringolandia coming up this friday and the members have been great help, we are using them all to bring a family to the activity and its surprising how many of them have references. its just an activity so its not scary to invite, and we are roping so many of them in as we go deliver the invitations, leave a prayer and a video about the families. sneaky but smart. so we really do have like 8 families right now that we are working with. its a slower cycle, but some are really, really good. familia Perez is moving slow, but they are moving. today should be a big day with them because we are taking our stake president haha. another family of Luis, Jessica, Felipe and Maria Jose went to church! they went which was a huge step. Freaking no one else is going so we are pushing along. The mom is super awesome, her family is actually inactive we found out, we had no idea. But she came and brought the whole family, Felipe is a 13 year old boy and he is a little goofball. And maria jose is 4 and just a little sweetheart. all church i was behind them and we played hide and go seek. haha but she liked church so thats the important part! Familia albornoz is moving slowly but they finally got back from vacation so now we will FINALLY start teaching them again on tuesday. familia Romero Espinoza is our new one, they have Pricilla the mom, Marcelo the dad, Franco the 11 year old and Gaspar the 6 year old. Gaspar is literally a torture. They are doing really well and accepted a baptismal date for the 11th of january so we are stoked about them. Priscila was born to be a primary president, seriously. So much love and so much patience with gaspar...he laughed at my prayer because he says "you talk funny" -_- hey thanks gaspar i love you too. who else...then we have a lot of other new ones we are working with that are references!

But here is a really cool experience. We had a family give us references the other day, and they were like "elders they wont want anything. they wont!" but we promised them they would and they did it, and then we went over to the house and it was such a cool experience. There we met Carlos, Julia, Gerald and they are expecting another baby in a few months named Josefa.  ANYWAY the mom is like 30, Carlos is catholic but not really and was actually in JAIL when he was younger, gerald is 12 and is my new best friend. Anyway we started teaching them, and all the sudden julia starts crying! So i just let the spirit talk for a second, and i asked "Julia, do you really not think god will forgive you?" or something about being forgiven, i don't really remember. but either way the idea was about forgiveness. she just started crying and said she is so mad at herself for going inactive 18 years ago, and that she tries so hard to become active, but the fact that they still aren't married makes it impossible and she just feels like she will never be forgiven. So we taught about repentance. about the bondage of sin, about the miracle of forgiveness and how god gives us commandments so that after we get forgiven we know how to live cleanly. They were all in tears and we were too, like it was such a unique experience. He prayed at the end (the dad) and he had never prayed out loud. The kid cried too and I'm not even sure why he did but he is a boss so i gave it a thumbs up. Anyway....pure love of the savior. So if you ever think that the lord cant use YOU as an instrument, remember Carlos and julia. a family that i NEVER would have been able to find, and if it wasn't for the love of julias brother, an active member, she never would have felt the love of her savior. Miracles are real!

Cesar is progressing like a stud. Leaving behind a life of drinking with buddies and playing sports and partying. 28, trying to change his life, doing amazing things. He is so strong though. I have become REALLY good friends with him and we are super close. So his baptism is now moved back to the 21st because he wanted to make sure his buddies were all there, so thats in 2 weeks. But the guy is a stud. One of the fotos is of him (the red shirt) he went to a baptism and loved it. You'll see him in white soon!

Love you all. I sent tons of pictures but to be honest i don't have time to explain them all. I know there are some of my house, of elder medina and i, him eating chocolate, me in front of a sweet 2013 jeep grand cherokee with leather seats and 20 inch rims that i OBVIOUSLY didn't inspect for 20 minutes, me with a crazy guy who wears a weird robe and a bucket on his head every day, our zone on a bus, our zones last picture, us with the family on the couch is the familia LOPEZ, the stake president and what they did for elder medinas last day so fun, me playing basketball with Yerson Martinez the best joven from the ward, me playing soccer last week with Cesar, our baptism with Cecilia last week, and then two favorite ones. I am NOT that tall but this is how i feel all the time here, just like GIGANTOR with everyone. like look at that! its like a whole foot!!! Ugh. i want to be normal again. and the last one where it says "asistentes"....we were int he mission office and snuck into the cambio room where they make all the transfers, and we took a new missionary from our zone who is finishing his training, and we put him as assistant and took a picture. We then told his companion, who has like 22 months and wanted to be it SO bad, and it spread around the whole ZONE. then somehow the assistants (who are now elder Townsend and elder white! remember him from the mtc? he is one of my best friends. awesome kid.) got ahold of the news and thought it was hilarious. we are so mean aren't we? but it was so hilarious, one of the best pranks of my mission so far.

And I'm loving being a missionary. 
Elder Tengberg

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