Haha hows that for a little tongue twister?
So I wont write too much because we just talked last night, but
things are going great here in Chilito. I love it here so much. Love the
people, the daily rain, the soaked feet and smiling faces when they hear the
gospel. Nothing better.
It's been another long week. We have found so many people, so now
it's just time to teach them all! Two in particular are just so unbelievably
Jessica and Kati. Kati is her 17 year old daughter who we felt
prompted to contact one night when we were on our way back to our house at the hour.
She was standing on a corner talking to her boyfriend and we contacted them
(Its always hilarious to talk to the couples and interrupt them. It's like
vengeance a little bit) anyway and we talked to her, and she said yeah come by
my family one day. So we went by a couple days later, her mom saw us and
started crying. She had just lost her older daughter who was 26 in a car
accident, had been left with her little 3 year old grandson. Like just so sad.
She was heartbroken and she said "How did you get here? How did you
know?" and stuff. It was so touching. We taught them the plan of salvation
and it was just beautiful to see the reactions of people when the spirit
touches their heart. So prepared!
Next we also taught the Familia Alegría (which literally means family
happiness, so perfect) and they are so beyond prepared. Like they just get it.
They are great investigators, know what we expect of them, and were like
"yeah we can do this." Its so cool to see how the Lord has been
testing us for 2 weeks (no one came to church again) but we have just been
preparing these beautiful families for now! So its been fantastic.
in other news...it's my last week here in Pitrufquen! haha i know mom
and dad i told you yesterday i thought i was going to stay here, but president
actually informed me that i would be going back to finish my last 4 weeks with
elder white and elder paris where i just was in San Pedro. So....back to there
again! Haha its right though. i prayed about it too and definitely know its
right. I think its time for someone else to come in here and harvest all the
success we have been planting. My job was to come in and help out and suffer a
little bit, and I've done it the best i could. It really has served as a
wonderful experience to me. Like i really feel like I've learned how to give up
my will in some things, to let the Lord make of me what i don't frankly want
sometimes. So I'm very grateful for all the chances and opportunities I've been
given to grow. The Lord sure knows me and knows what i need.
I love you all! thanks for everything.
Elder T.
here are the pictures of the house remodel! We bought a
"welcome" mat on sale, a new shower curtain, we have been making
fires in our little estufa all week (dad thats what it looks like so you're
aware! All safe. except for the cracked glass but thats like a minor detail and
we think its fine). And theres my comp! Elder Trudeau from Gilbert, Arizona.
Awesome missionary.
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