Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Golden Family- Email 8/12/13

WOW. such a crazy week. I'm just going to get straight to it because there was way more success this week than i knew was possible! We have 7 people with baptismal dates right now, and one of those is the familia Sanchez!!!! the best little family ever. 

This week, we had the whole week of activities because we had the idea that before conferencia de branch we would do a thing every single day. so we did. monday was FHE with games and everything, tuesday was yoga night as a branch led by P90x (I'm still so fat, I'm 197 pounds. like can any of you imagine me that fat? i was 180 max all of high school and college....like thats really fat. its passed the point where its funny and now its just sad. but the bread here IS JUST SO GOOD I CANT STOP. i feel like chris Farley when he says "lay off me, I'm starving". so yeah, yoga doesn't help. I'm just flexible and fat now). wednesday was a devotional that so many investigators came to, and thursday was noche de sports where we had a whole bunch of things going and a futbol game of like 40 people including women and little children. friday was a night of sopaipillas (like little scones that you put aji and pebre on. thats like salsa stuff and theres no way to translate it. or you put mayo on it....what, doesn't sound good? fried bread with mayo? c'mon guys its delicious! its probably super healthy too. but for real i had like 10 they are so delicious) with mensajes mormones, and then saturday was movie night with popcorn and everything. Friday night i ended up convincing one of our investigators to come and make the sopaipillas, and he ended up making like 200. and wow they were so good. and then on saturday night we had Major Medina come and he brought his personal popcorn MACHINE. if that just isn't the coolest thing ever. our investigator supplied ALL the popcorn and people were just thrilled. he is progressing like crazy but that will come in a second. so that was the week of activities, then Presidente Martinez came down yesterday and spoke and met all of them and it was fantastic. 

BUT. The update on the actual people!
Nicole is kind of lost this week because her grandpa still continues in a coma, so he is kind of bad. so we haven't been able to teach her but the girl just wants to get baptized. she has to travel every day to see him so as soon as this all calms down.

Bruno and kati are getting married tuesday! they are doing as good as ever. they couldn't go sunday to church because not one but BOTH of their daughters were in the hospital with severe bronchitis, like on oxygen and everything. so sad. but we got to give them both blessings and they are doing  ton better, so we hope that the 24th they'll be able to complete with their baptism and everything.

Familia Sanchez. on wednesday, i got to go buy with a joven from the church, Esteban who got baptized a month ago. anyway we taught the gospel of jesus christ VERY simply because we were on divisions and he obviously doesn't know how to teach super well because he is 15 and been baptize for a month, but WOW it was amazing. we gave them the challenge for the 7th of september and they accepted! they went to the activities all week, and the girls are so so so happy. Bernardo was just saying how even THIS week he has already felt like a better man. less angry, less temper-ish, everything. the mom was saying " i don't feel like i have  an answer yet but i feel genuinely happy and for the first time in my life i feel like I'm doing the right thing." YEAH okay thats good enough. they went to church and loved it. it took me awhile to explain why we raise our hands to sustain people but beyond that, it was so simple. They just get it and love it. So we are so happy for them because they are a FAMILY who already wants to go to the temple and the daughters just want to be little mujeres jovenes and everything. like its adorable. Im just so grateful to heavenly father for preparing them for us. they really are so special and i know that we have done NOTHING to deserve success like this. but heck we will take it and we are working them in with the members so much. the great thing about victoria is the members. They are SO loving. like they have just taken this family under their wing and some key families are not letting them go. its so relieving to have HELP as a missionary because we know we don't do this on our own. I am just so thrilled. They are a golden family and i truly do love them. I feel like an older brother to the little girls and i just love being with them. the picture is of me with Bernardo and Josefina, the daughter of 11! the other three were eating popcorn and didn't want to get up.....

And Marcelo. The best joven EVER. We found him contacting, invited him to play football, and he hasn't let go of us since. he is seriously like a brother to me. he is 14 and his dad is a major in the military here, like way high up there. everyone knows him. and he is also the most deseoso investigator I've ever had. like all they want to do is know more. Marcelo sang in the CHOIR with us yesterday. they came to every activity. his dad, who is also named marcelo, is the one who brought the popcorn machine. and its just been amazing to see how much they love the gospel already. marcelo's dad passed through a divorce about 5 years ago and is now with another lady name andrea who is with me in the foto, and they are so special. he said all he realized through all of that is that his kids needed HIM a lot more than they needed money or things. like isn't that amazing? he talked more than anyone in sunday school yesterday which president martinez was teaching, and has told me things like "The book of mormon is just so joyful to read. it makes me so peaceful." "Hey can i borrow that principles of the gospel book? i would like to learn everything about the gospel" "Whats the atonement? I want to learn more about it because it seems really important?" umm.....really? this dad is the best, and says that if marcelo jr wants to go on a  mission he would support him 100%. We actually haven't even TAUGHT them yet because we found them last saturday, they came to church the next day, came to all the activities, came to church AGAIN yesterday. so its super backwards because they are doing everything and we haven't even taught. So we just love this family. They have 2 14 year old boys who are studs and are going to strengthen the church so much. And president martinez said "Marcelo...he is incredible. How did you find him?" well president...this really crazy tactic called playing futbol. Cool, right?

Anyway, I'm thrilled. I truly love victoria. I love these people, every convert and every member, i get sad when i don't see them every couple days, i genuinely care about their kids and relatives. i just love being a missionary so much and I'm so genuinely happy. This place is amazing. Anyway, thanks for all your support, its helping a ton out here. I love you all so much.
Keep them all in your prayers please! We need miracles. and more, the lord needs these children to come to him. 

Elder Tengberg

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