I wish i could
just describe all this week enough but i wont be able to do it justice.
First off we
had a baptism! Nicole got baptized on saturday. We asked her on..saturday. 4
hours before the baptism. Haha we FINALLY found her after 2 weeks and we went
by again on saturday morning with a member and it was SO amazing. like i really
haven't seen faith like that in so long. But it was really cool because we just
started talking to her about how these trials are hard for her and she said
"before i met missionaries, i would have doubted god and said he has
abandoned me. But i can understand now that believing in all this helps me
understand that these are just trials that i can overcome." haha umm...okay!
Yeah thats more faith than i have. Her grandpa is super mal en el hospital and
she has been going there every day. in and out of a coma, one day better and
the next day worse. But saturday we went by and i shared about the holy ghost
and the role that it plays in comforting us. We told her that the lord really
loved her....and that he loved her so much that he wanted to give her even MORE
of his spirit, but he couldn't do it unless she took that step thats baptism.
She looked down for a second, then looked up with a big smile, and said
"What do i need to bring?" We were like...what? because we had told
her that the other branch, tolhuaca where the other hermanas are, were having
another miracle baptism that night at 8, and we thought she meant to COME. but
she said "What do i need to bring? a towel? I'm getting baptized. Im tired
of waiting." Haha well OKAy i guess we will take that. So we got a service
together and watched this amazing faith take place and get baptized. It was so
special. I really feel like that kind of faith is what the lord needs to always
have miracles take place. ANd by the way, her grandpa got out of the hospital
sunday after her confirmation.
Thats just
one. Bruno and Kathy are more than ready. They were finally able to go to
church this weekend because his mom stayed with the sick little babies, and
they also got MARRIED. haha like WHAT is going on?? why do these people just
want to be so faithful? it seems like that was forever ago but that was only
last tuesday. It was a super simple ceremony inside of the civil center because
they don't have a ton of money, but we took some great photos that we are going
to give to them along with a photo of the santiago temple for their house.
Anyway, they´re married and getting baptized this saturday. They are so funny.
he is such a goofball and is always making random comments that we are just
like "Bruno were you paying attention?" and he is like "yeah I'm
not going to lie, i don't know what you jus said" and kathy just laughs at
him and tells him to pay attention. Haha but they are so amazing and their
daughters are everything to them. Like when we ask why they want to do this,
its just because they want an eternal family. the only reason. So well....i
guess thats amazing. The branch loves them.
Sanchez. Doing even more amazing. The daughters love church, hermana Lourdes is
WAY better than i thought. In the beginning she was so incredulous and didn't
quite want to believe it all, and now everything has changed. She is so
excited. The daughters are adorable and the branch loves the fact that this
FAMILY is coming to church. The best part is that our own converts are the ones
that are helping them so much. Like Carolina who got baptized a MONTH ago is
the one who is taking the daughters in and taking care of them, and making sure
they stay all the classes. Ramiro (who was actually de elder girsberger but got
baptized two months ago) is helping out Bernardo. Everything is just going
well. I seriously love that family so so so much. We are going again tonight
and we are going to see how everything is going. But i really feel good about
them: Bernardo came to church again in his white shirt and tie, and it just
makes me thrilled. All the members talk to them and are so great. I think that
really is the success to a branch....the missionaries can do whatever but these
people come and sometimes no one talks to them, but this branch here just takes
them COMPLETELY under their wing, calls them for us, invites them to FHE
without telling us....like its such a blessing. So keep praying for familia
Sanchez :) they're my golden ones.
Andrea, Marcelo and Matias. Marcelo is actually Ramiro´s boss (they are both in
the army and Marcelo is 4th in command in all of the south or something crazy
like that. like super high up there). Marcelo is a stud though. We haven't even
like TAUGHT them anything and he has already read over half the principles de
evangelio book, which is basics of the gospel? Something like that. He
volunteered to take care of ALL the games and activities for the huge september
18th party we are planning as a branch. Haha i don't know whats going on but he
has already gone to church 3 times, he brought his girlfriend (they live
together and we will have to get them married but they are so grossly in love
its disgusting. always holding hands. or maybe I'm just a weird missionary and
any contact seems gross) to church and she loved it. Marcelo the 14 year old
who is my little brother went to seminary every day this week. Haha I just love
victoria so much. I love you all.
story...Alfonso CHIFFERLY. You know those stories that missionaries tell ALWAYS
after they get home? like the classic funny stories? thats Alfonso chifferly. i
wont tell this one til i get back, but i really cannot believe this man. He is
87, has said "I'm smarter than the doctors" about 100 times to us,
sells herbal medication out of his house, and is just a riot. I love him so
much. I think we will probably drop him because even though he accepted a fecha
he kind of went back on it. We told him to pray about church and he said that
he saw the risen savior in his house, in person, but that the fact that he was
IN the house means that he has no need to go to church. So close chifferly, so
close. Best part his? He kicked us out of his house 2 days earlier because my
companion was really really rude and then when we went back he didn't remember
we had passed by. Like the movie groundhog day. Hahaha i cant wait to describe
this man to you...
Well, thats
all i have time for. I love you all so much. Thanks for your prayers, your
thoughts. I really REALLY love the mission and even though its flying by, I'm
enjoying every minute. Thanks for all your support!
Les quiero
Elder Tengberg
i would send
photos but it appears that my new memory card has a virus on it too, so ill
have to find a way around it next week. freaking chilean cyber cafes.
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