ahhhh this was such a good week. Seriously so crazy and so bizarre and random
but such a good week.
first...Julio got baptized! I will pùt the photos on here but they seem to be
not working really well so we´ll see how that goes. Anyway, it was the craziest
baptism ever. First off, we went early to fill it up and when we came back like
30 minutes before theservice, it was about half full and BROWN. hahahsomething
had happened to the hot water and it wasnt coming out very clean. So we quickly
drained it before anyone saw and then were looking at an EMPTY font with a
baptism in 20 minutes. Good thing chilean time is about an hour late, right?
And then add mormon chilean time on that....nothign EVER gets done here hahaha.
But i love it because then we could fill the font. SO we opened up the faucet
thingy and we just did cold water because it was a lot faster, and then we
brought a TRASH CAN down from upstairs (after we cleaned it out...mostly) and
used it to fill up with water. We were using every single pot or pan or water
container we could find in the entire building. Seriously, we had EVERYTHING,
every faucet with a pan or dish, filling up and dumping it into the trash can,
which we then dumped into the font in a giant raging cascade of water. SO then
we had dirty water, and it was cold. No this time it was actually a lot cleaner
but it was stil so funny. Like pooor Julio was just sitting outside watching us
fill up this trash can. Thanks missionaries...im getting baptized in trash can
water. Real cool. But he didnt say a thing because he is the nicest guy ever
and he totally understood. Haha he is just so tranquilo, i love it. SO anyway
that all ended up well and him and i actually had a really cfool esperience in
the font after the baptism. I Gave him a big hug and was just like "You
know this is the cleanest you have ever been, right?" and it was a really
cool moment. YEsteday when he got the spirit he started to cry too. We are just
awfully proud of him and he is going to be such great member and leader
of the church. So thats part number 1.
watermelon. Haha we went to the beach today as a zone and it was so much fun. I
love going to the beach together because we play volleyball, futbol, and
american football. My favorite part of playing football with latinos is
translating the words into spanish...they make NO sense. Like try explaining
the word "Flea Flicker". "Pulga....tirador?" hahahaha he
gave me the WEIRDEST look and was like this is the stupidest game ever. Anyway
elder page who lives with me broke his collarbone today doing a bicycle kick,
and i got a cut on my finger because i was so excited to eat my watermelon that
i cut too far and cut my finger. Injuries of life...theyre rough. I dont know
whats going to happen to him but i think he´ll be okay. Everyone was real
worried about me too. But i just sat on the sand and ate watermelon and was so
happy. I really am sucha blessed missioanry. Way more blessed than i
deserve but whos complaining? I know me and my watermelon - soaked chin are
not. All is good here in coronel :)
Lastly, I eat
crab. Well better question is, do i eat crab? Do we eat crab in our family? my
favorite part was elder salazar, because he was like "oh yeah i love
seafood yum seafood i love crab". I was like "Elder Salazar, you know
this is not fresh enough to eat, right? a 2 DOLLAR crab sold on the streets by
a man with 3 teeth does not meet the "A" requirements last time i
checked. So little buddy Elder Saladbar told me that he would be fine. I had
the TINIEST bite because i wanted to taste it. It was good, but not fresh. Haha
and saladbar just kept going, telling me how good it was and everything. Yeah,
how good was it when YOU WERE THROWING UP 4 HOURS LATER??? I thought you would
be proud of me dad. But we had a fun time laughing about that, and it was
super funny. I told him i already had a month straight of that so i was more
than fine not eating crab. Anyway.
Also really
funny this week has been some of the most ridiculous things i have ever heard
by some chileans. Myabsolute favorites are "The Earthquake machine"
and "Calzones rotos". So first off EVERYONE here is convinced the
united states has an earthquake machine. That we point something at some
satellite and it causes earthquakes across the world. Nevermind the perfect
logic that we like to spend money so that we can then spend MORE money to help
the country, adding nicely to the perfect lack of debt that we have, but WHY
it every time and am like "man how did you guys find out about that? I
thought it was like a super secret thing." it makes life awful fun with
the chileans :) and then calzones rotos. what....hahaha calzones is underwear.
Rotos is ripped. So im at dinner one night and some mom was like "Hey
elder do you want some ripped underwear?.....umm.....no? Im awfully confused
hermana!" and then she explained that thats the name for a FUNNEL CAKE
here. Really guys? Ripped underwear? Its also called nuns breath. I
mean....obviously, right?
Anyway, we are
loving it here in coronel. Things arent getting any easier in some respects,
but the success is coming. its frustrating because i dont feel like we deserve
the success we are having right now. But the peace i had in arauco with my work
isnt even matched here, so i think its just heavenly father helping me to know
that numbers DONT matter at all, but its all about obedience and the spirit.But
needless to say, i am thrilled to see the fruits of my efforts and see that
angie and antonella are so excited for their baptism next friday, and some
other people are planned for early march. I just know its heavenly father doing
everything because we certainly do not deserve it. But anyway, i love you guys!
Hope all is going well! Here are the fotos from this week!
Les amo y les
Elder Tengberg
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