Sunday, February 10, 2013

Life in Coronel- Email 1/21/13

Well first off, congrats Mary on giving an amazing farewell talk! I seriously have heard it about it from like 6 people (and considering i hear from about 6 people that actually means a lot) and they all said you just absolutely nailed it. You are the master of those bullet-point talks so i bet you just absolutely killed it. I am so so proud of you for serving and although this will be a hard week as you get ready to leave, you are way more prepared than i ever was and are going to be such a good missionary. So congrats and enjoy your last week of sunday naps, normal food and relaxing! 

Okay so about my week. I could not have possibly imagined how hard it would be to leave Arauco. Seriously, it shocked me. I found it so so so hard to leave there, and that last night just broke my heart. Haha it was really hard. I went on monday night to visit my mamita in arauco, valentin and juliana, hector and cecilia, camila, estefania, and thats it. And hermano temer obviously. It was just so sad to realize that my time in the lives of these people is over! Valentin and Juliana were really sweet. they gave me some photos of them to keep, a little stuffed animal, and a chilean apron that they all signed stuff on and said "nunca te olvidaremos" or we will never forget you. It just melted me so much! I would say that was the hardest one. Ill try and send some photos but i dont know how good this internet is here so we will see if they go throuhg. Later we said goodbye to hector and cecilia, and that wasnt too hard because i think ill be going back for their wedding in about two weeks. i am not quite sure whats going on there but i think i will be able to go back for it! Saying goodbye to estefania and her family was hard too becaus eshe cries like a baby. When elder ramirez left she bawled, but this time she was more prepared (or maybe she just had a crush on him, im more convinced of that) and didnt cry too much. They had a little party for me and we had lemon pie, grilled cheese sandwiches, and mint tea. You know, the usual party food.

Lastly saying goodbye to camila was probably the hardest one. I was kind of surprised by that, but i had just put SO much of myself into teaching her. She knows everything about my life. Every hard time i have had, every difficulty, every time i missed mary, every thing i could possibly use to help her, i used. So it was just so hard because i watched her progress to the point where i literally WATCHED her get an answer to a prayer, and it still didnt get to the final result. I dont know how she is doing because i havent been able to talk to her all week, but as i said goodbye to her and her daughter Mati, she started crying and just said thank you so much for blessing my life. She is an awesome investigator and will be a great member of the churhc one day. I dont know when, but i know she will. And i sure am glad that i had the opportunity to be a part of her story and be able to help her in a little way! The good thing is we know the lord is always in charge and the new elder that comes in wil likely be able to help her in a way that i couldnt. Its not so hard when you know he is in charge, and know he is taking care of you, because then you just know that every trial or challenge is just a secret blessing! Its not like a heavenly father who loves us is going to punish us. So we just have to really look inside change or trials and find that good.

But as i left that night, i got up to my room and just broke down. Haha most embarrassing thing ever. But i seriously broke down because i never imagined my life like this. I never imagined having this connection to chilean people so deeply, or imagined being so deeply moved and affected in the gospel, or being so happy being millions of miles away from every person that i love. I never thought my life would be this blessed. As i look back and see how selfish and self-centered my life used to be, and how unbelievably blessed i am now, i just broke down because i coudlnt believe heavenly father had let me take part in a work so special. I truly am grateful for my time in arauco.

NOW! For Coronel. So we are in Coronel 2, and i dont konw if i told you last week but we are opening up a new sector. So with that being said, we literally had 0 investigators. We talked to the other elder who worked in part of this sector before it got divided and he was like "find new ones, they all dont attend church." Hahaha so we literally had no one to teach this week. my first day, we contacted doors from the lovely hours of 3:00-10:00pm. Haha seven hours straight of knocking doors. But it has actually been surprisingly fun because there are no expectations, so we just are doing the best we can. We had a really good week though! Because we were knocking so much we obviously had a ton of success. We found like 17 new investigators this week, and we have 3 fechas for february now! one of them, julio, is super awesome. We taught him 4 times in 5 days, he came to play soccer with us, and he came to church. He is going through a really hard time right now. He separated form his wife about a year ago, gets to see his 6 year old son once a week for like 4 hours, and got fired from his job recently. When he heard about the gospel and the spirit, it touched him so deeply. Any person that believes god doesnt prepare people LONG before the missionaries get there is crazy. I am so excited to keep working with him. His fecha is for the 9th along with Joshua, and the 23rd for Antonella. They are two other people we found this week and are going to be working with! They are super great and i cant wait to see the work progress here in coronel.

It has been crazy in some aspects though. We havent had ANYTHING. We have no phone to call members or investigators, no desks to study, no beds (we slept on couches and sofa chairs in the house), no utensils, no area book. Hahaha they just completely forgot about us here! Its been fun though because we have just made the most out of what we could and are really trying to do everything we can. I love the sector though and i love my companion. He is Elder Salazar from Peru. He doesnt speak a lick of english (minus "I have to take a tinkle...the things other missionaries teach each other!) so we just talk in spanish all day long. Occasionally its frustrating because i want to talk in english, but for the most part its really good. We get along really well so thats good too! Its always different getting with a new companion because people have different tastes and teach different ways, but he is a good guy and we are having some good success together so far. Things are good! 

Anyway, i love you all so much. Mom i got your valentine day package today! It came awfully fast. Haha i also got christmas cards from you all, the westerlunds, the browns, the clarks, the davis´s. Thank you all for your love and your cards! Hope all is going well and that the lord keeps blessing you.
Love you all. Que nuestro Padre Celestial les cuide y les proteja siempre! 

Les amo y les quiero
Elder Tengberg

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