Sunday, February 10, 2013

Julio is getting dunked!- Email 2/4/13

Hey family! Aw man it has been such a good week. I just got done reading marys email (she is in the MTC now getting ready for her mission to Hong Kong, China.) and i am so proud of that girl.  She sounds like she is already killing it and is just so dang happy. Go mary! Also, i dont know how the heck you are speaking cantonese already, youre ridiculous. So proud of you!!!!

My week has been pretty crazy busy. All good though! I sprained my ankle though which kind of sucked. It was all big and swollen after a game of soccer which made working a little bit harder, but it was crazy how as soon as i prayed for it to go away, the pain went away for the day as we walked. and as SOON as i got home, it was right back again! Little blessings of being a missionary! Anyway, that was the only real bad part. My companion and I have also been having some struggles but we are starting to work a lot better together so thats definitely helping. I cant say its been the easiest cambio but i have definitely learned a ton about humility and loving people for who they are. Thats something thats not easy to learn, but everyone has to. Anyway, good stuff there!

I dont have a ton of time so ill just go throuhg a few things. Hector and Cecilia got married on friday and baptized saturday! They were my investigators from Arauco. Hector called me saturday and just thanked me a ton for eerything. I was super bummed that i couldnt go especailly since it was so close, but rules are rules. Anyway, that was so cool to hear from them. They are an awesome family and will be great members of the church.

Julio is getting baptized this week! I am so proud of that guy. He has just been a stud from day 1 and has taken everything we have taught without doubting for a second. Its so obvious that the lord had prepared him and angie and Antonella long before we got here. All 3 are 100% certain for their baptism right now and just lack 2 more sundays of going to church! Julio will be getting baptized on friday and he asked me to baptize him, so thats really cool! Im super excited. He has this incredible desire to be led by the spirit, and needs it more than anyone right now. There is really nothing like getting to see the changes in these people over even just a few weeks of teaching them. Its so cool. God prepares people and does SO much for them in just a few short weeks of following him, and then he changes us our entire lives. We are just so pathetic and he does it all! I love being a missionary and seeing him change that.

Angie and Antonella are both set for the 23rd! We are really excited for them. During class on sunday, the teacher asked julio about his baptism and then antonella shot her hand up and was like "I get baptized the 23rd though!" and then angie was like "me too!" hahaha so funny. Anyway, they are so happy and it makes me so happy to see this incredible change in their lives. Angie more than anything. She comes from such a hard life and it just breaks my heart to see what she goes throuhg. But at church she truly has found people that love her and there is onthing better than that.

I dont have any more time. It hasnt been one of the easiest weeks ever. Im beyond exhausted, im not feeling like my 100% self, and my ankle is sprained. Sounds like i need to go back to the MTC to get some fire like mary has! I hate to think that im already almost 7 months done with my mission. 7 freaking months! It has flown by so fast and i hate to think that that means i will never get that time back again. Just have to keep looking forward with hope and make the most out of every second i guess!

Also mom, thank you so much for the valentines day package! I opened it early. I LOVE the reeses and they all came in fine. a little melted, but delicious nonetheless! Thank you all so much and i love you more than youll know!

Les quiero mucho -
Elder Tengberg

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