Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Corner of Maria Magdalena and Jerusalem- Email 4/15/13

first off shout out to roddy for heading to the mtc this week! i tell your story to people all the time. so many people are scared to take the first step as a family, and dont know if their families will follow. you did and your family has changed forever. Siempre recordaré a su familia y yo sé que el señor va a bendecir a toda su familia por este sacrificio que están haciendo. Siempre relato a las personas la experiencia que tuvimos en el templo, la hermosa oportunidad de ver una familia sellarse por toda la eternidad. Será dificil, pero familias necesitan el mismo conocimiento que tienen ahora. Hermana Carmen, déjelo ir! Él cambiará para siempre y traerá más bendiciones a su vida que podría imaginar. les quiero mucho.

Anywyay, it has been such an awesome week yet again. I was a little worried about some people in my district because we have all been really sick. the change of weather is throwing us off (or at least thats what all the chileans say, i have no idea if that really makes people sick or not.) so some people had to stay in the house, some people couldnt work some days, just general frustrating things. But still we had an awesome week!

Domitila will be getting baptized this saturday, so we are super excited about that. She is just progressing so well and really has a 100% testimony already. We explained the word of wisdom to her and as we went to ask her about any doubts or questions (usually a million) she said "no". so we asked her if she would obey it and her answer was "Well how could i not? its gods commandment, i have to obey it! Of course i will!" hahaha well i GUESS thats a good enough answer? i mean reason enough. she kind of gets the point. But anyway we are so excited for her. Its been really cool to see the chain effect with juan pablo and diego. They were the ones who got their parents to come back to church, who are now bringing their grandma to church as well, and are just being such little faithful members. Marcelo and Paola didnt come this week so the boys just went alone. haha so awesome. And Juan Pablo passed the sacrament for the first time yesterday! It was just this sweet little tender moment as i watched Julio bless the sacrament (also, he got called as ward secretary today. kind of a lot of trust for someone with 2 months in the church! But he will do great. he is super nervous but i know will just be an amazing asset to the branch) and then juan pablo passed the sacrament to me. It was just so sweet to be receiving ORDINANCES from the very people that i got to teach and watch God change. Few things much cooler than that. We are having julio work with one of our new investigators right now as well so he will be baptizing in 3 weeks as well. Pretty cool, huh? I was a proud missionary. ANYWAY long side track, domitila is fantastic. Sweet lady, already active in the church and ready to keep going. hasnt mised a sunday since we found her. just so proud!

Joaquin and Claudia also came to church yesterday! That was one of the sweetest moments i can remember. I have gotten SO close to joaquin. We have talked  a lot about his family and him and i have also gotten really close. He will be one of those people like Hector from Arauco or Marcelo here in coronel that i will miss like crazy. He even drove us home the other day when it was raining and everything. His daughter Leyre will be getting baptized on the 4th of May, so we are super excited about that as well. We are trying to get his wife Claudia to get baptized the sme day, but she is just waiting for an answer still. please keep them in your prayers! It was so precious to see them in church because we just dont have young families here in our branch. marcelo and paola and them two are the only young families, so we really love them. It was a great week to watch them progress and i think we will have some big news about them in these next few weeks! I just love the gospel and how it literally has the power to change our very nature.

Last thing, i went on divisions this week with Julio, and my comp went with our branch president. Poor guy didnt understand a thing. Hahaha i felt so bad but we had 12 citas that day and not enough time to visit them all, so we had to. But it was SO cool being a missionary with Julio. He just loved it too. he even, during a lesson, thought of and FOUND a scripture that HELPED an investigator. Like Doris (antonellas mom and also julios neighbor) was saying to julio (we are still working with her but she has to quit smoking. she is down to about 1 or 2 a day but just cant take the last step....pray for her as well please!) that he just looks SO much happier these past couple months. Its true. He still hasnt found a job which has been a huge trial for him, but it brought me to tears in one of our lessons as he testified of the difference in his life. that things hadnt gotten better but he just felt happier, more loved, and more peaceful. that he is a better julio than he was 3 months ago. crazy how people are changed with the truth of the gospel. But he showed her 1 nephi 3:7 and just said that the Lord would show the way for her to quit smoking because he commanded it. Touché, julio, touché.

I know there are a million more things i wanted to talk about. This happens every weeek where weeks are just SO amazing and then i forget it all. but i really, REALLY love my sector. I am truly going to miss this place so much when i have to go here. I would serve my entire mission here in coronel if i could. We had another miracle this week where we put two baptismal dates for the beginning of may with a family that has one active daughter who is actually waiting for our mamitas son who is serving a mission, and we found her this week and found out her two brothers arent members, but want to be. yeah, guess we can help with that. then later on we found Miguel, or he found us. he came to church on sunday and was like "hey i went to conference last week with a friend and loved it. she said i had to come here to receive the missionary lessons and go to church." like seriously?? He CAME to church, said he wants to get baptized, and wants to change his life through coming to Christ. Like those dont happen. but Miguel Cabrera is our newest miracle and i am SO excited about him. Miracles are happening. Your friends are ready for the gospel. Share it with them, because they NEED it.

This week i realized the most precious thing i have is my sure testimony that Christ is my Savior. nothing else matters. But not everyone has that. Your friends, family, vecinos, they all need it. Share it with them and do NOT fear. The spirit will put in your mouth what to say. It puts chilean in mine, chinese in mary´s, and whatever you need in yours. be ruthless in sharing the gospel and inviting people to participate in the happiest thing you have.

Also, our house is literally 30 degrees. The windows were frosted, i can see my breath in my own house, and im dying of frostbite. Okay the last one is dramatic but I AM SO COLD. Freaking chile.
and, i found the street corner today of "Mary Magdalene" and "jerusalem." If anyone doesnt believe that i am in a HEAVY religious country....

Elder Tengberg

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