Crazy week.
absolutely insane. haha I have SO much to say but i literally have no time to
say it all. This will just be turbo mode and you'll get the idea from all the
So, new years
eve. We got invited to the Lopez family, this awesome family who are probably
(outside of my converts) my favorite family in chile. They are just hilarious.
The kids are the same age as our family too so it makes me feel super at home.
Anyway, we had an amazing barbecue with them, some of the most soft meat that i
have ever had in chile. like it was absolutely amazing. Elder Bonnett (one of
my good friends, he goes home this next week actually) was serving as traveling
assistant and he got to be with us for NYE, and was like "yup, I chose the
best family in the mission." haha it was amazing.
So we had a super fun
time there until 10:30 when we had to be back at our house, but when we went
back home the fun really started. We made a FORT! hahaa i had the bright idea
to make a fort out of blankets and bring all the mattresses down and put it all
down there. Super fun. We made those pumpkin pie bars that i received a long
time ago, and that was sweet. We also were allowed to watch a Disney movie so
we watched Mulan to let the new year come in. I'm basically half chinese too so
its not big deal. Anyway that was sweet. We stayed up late, swapped man
stories, and made waffles/pumpkin pie bars. Haha great new years though.
Definitely a memorable experience! My favorite was Elder Ochoa kept wanting to
play his stupid guitar or clarinet and we literally got SO mad at him. haha we
finally just took it away and locked in the other room so we could all watch
the movie. Super fun.
New years day
was with the familia Romero Espinoza! They are getting baptized this week on
saturday: they are so excited. We are too haha. I found out that I am actually
leaving Angol next Sunday night so that will be a fun last thing to end on.
Really cool. We went over there on New Years Day (that was our p-day) and made
peruvian food, chocolate chip cookies, played football and hung out with the
kids. Theres pictures of them all! Marcelo, Elder Salazar is in green long
sleeves, Franco is the 12 year old boy, Gaspar is the little rascal with the
bowl cut, Priscila the mom. They are so perfect. And if they weren't perfect
enough they now have a little yellow lab puppy....just adorable. haha i was
made for this family, i swear!
All of my city
is on fire. Because its so hot and dry here there were a ton of fires lately.
Crazy fotos huh? It burned the entire hill next to the city and it got close to
the houses. Brought back a lot of weird memories and made me feel so weird
seeing all the ash in the air and everything. But anyway we were curious so
this morning for pday we climbed up the hill to the cross at 4:30 a.m. to see
the sunrise and then to see the damage from the fire. Ended up taking like a
million pictures and it was super fun. So theres my city of Angol and a
beautiful chilean sunrise! It burned a lot though. you can totally see the line
of the burn on the hill and everything.
Anyway. I am
super happy. like i said i have cambios now so ill write next Monday from here
probably, or maybe from my new sector. I'm not so sure yet. I'm headed up right
next to Concepcion! Its called San Pedro. Saint Peter. I'm gong to Saint Peter.
Anyway I'm going to be with Elder White, one of my best friends in the mission,
so i am just so excited. Haha we have literally been calling each other since
we found out and just been so stoked. Workout plan, plans for the mission, we
are planning on taking karate classes from someone in the ward on pdays. like
we are going to have SO much fun together. Cool stuff.
Loving the
mission more than ever. It's a great time to serve the Lord. Nothing more
peaceful than serving him and knowing that he has SO much in store for us if we
just follow him and trust in him!
Love you all.
You're the best and thanks so much for writing so much every week! You're
awesome about it.
Les quiero
mucho! Feliz año nuevo y que lo pasen super bien!
Elder Tengberg
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