Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Thankful Missionary- Email 11/26/13

hey just checking in to say sorry for not writing yesterday, we don't have time to write this week because we went to Concepcion and then today i had emails from almost all of my converts so i wont be able to respond too much. BUT i got your package mom! I got another one too that i think is for christmas and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to open it or not so i'll wait for that one for next monday to see what you say. it says it has Christmas stuff on it so i'm not sure. anyway this week was so awesome. yesterday we had our Zone leader meeting with president like every month and it was so good. we just talked about all personal consecration and what does Christ want from us for christmas and stuff,. love it. the mission goal is that every sector in the mission baptizes this month. That's it! so we are trying so hard to complete here in our zone and are stoked to see if it happens or not. anyway...

this week we had a baptism! so awesome. cecilia got baptized, and its a huge long story but another day i'll tell you. she basically is just famous among the zone now because at stake conference adult session, she called out all the stake for not helping the missionaries more...she said "I wish the women would help the missionaries more. i'm getting baptized tonight, and this process would have been a lot easier if women of my age were there to understand me and help me" haha WOW she gave it to them. president martinez gave us this look and then Elder Zevallos, of the 70, who was presiding during the stake conference saturday and sunday, LOVED it, and talked all about her the whole time. anyway, that was awesome. So she got baptized! Camila, her daughter, was awfully happy too. I wish i could send pictures but i am literally so rushed and i know i'm failing lately but i have a meeting in literally 5 minutes with our district leaders and we have so much to do!

Familia Perez is doing really well too. They are the family of 5...a super super slow progress, we actually have never taught all of them together. We are teaching the mom more right now because she is home, and the two boys of 13 and 9, but we are working! We just need to keep being diligent.

I was so touched this week thinking of all the things that I need to do. I realized that we have zone problems, elders who want to go home, companionships who fight, my companion leaves next week for  a new zone so I'm kind of carrying it all right now, SO much to do. But then I started thinking about Christmas. about the fact that I was way happier watching someone open up the gift I got them than receiving one, and how that if I apply that same thing, God must be so happy as he watches us take advantage of the gift of the gospel. He must be so happy when he sees us open up our newfound understanding of the atonement, examine it, smile, and use it just like little kids do with gifts on Christmas day. and I'm the same way. I am learning so much, seeing this whole new aspect of life, and really can say that the happiest that I ever have been is when I have not a single second to think about myself. It's just so hard to help people see that if they stop thinking selfishly, but see that if they SERVE God and OBEY his commandments, they will be happy - because thats the vey characteristic that he is. He is service and selflessness. Anyway, I love you all, have to go but I will write a good one next week. Promise that!

Elder Tengberg

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