Well hey there family! Thanks every single one of you for reminding me that today is, in fact, my 8 month mark. Haha sheeesh i cant believe its going by so fast. I hate hitting milestones, even month ones, because then its just like FREAK I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING IN THESE PAST 8 MONTHS AND I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO DO! But yeah, wooo 8 months.
But one thing
we HAVE done is found the termites in our house. We have been havign a lot of
fun breaking down things and then having termites fall on us, or using tannex
to torture the termites. Between that and the flea collection i have in my
journal, things are going great. haha crazy...
Anyway, its
been a pretty good week. Rather quiet and not too much going on, but i guess
thats a good thing in comparison as to what has happened before. My companion
and I are finally starting to get along. We had a hilarious moment the other
day that we were both just dying laughing at. So the lady that was supposed to
give us lunch forgot (not the funny part) and we went to a restaurant to eat.
The lady waiter (what are they called?) gave us the specials for the day, which
i understood NOTHING of. Haha like i have 8 months speaking this language, what
is wrong with me?! but it was names of foods so obviously i wouldnt know those.
Anyway my companion gets this smug loook on his face because he knows what the
foods are, and then he tells me. Well i didnt want "Pollo de la Oya"
so i chose chicken and french fries. he chose "Estufado" and was like
"sure you dont want estufado? its super good man! Just try it elder t,
youll love it!" welll NO i dont want it haha. And when the foood came
out....i died laughing. He thought that it was like a plate of rice and pork,
but turns out it was casuela, this soup that i truly dont like. Boiled
potatoes, vegetables, and beef. He was MISERABLE. So i was just cracking up as
i had delicious chicken and french fires and he had to eat this soup. But we
were just laughing so hard because he had acted all arrogant about knowing what
it meant. But then we ended up changing halfway through because he really hated
it. but it was a good laugh so thats all that really matters.
The work is
still going well! We have 2 baptisms this week, which is exciting. Marcelo and
Paola are completely re-activated. Amazing...18 years of being inactive (for no
reason, just stopped going) and now after a few visits from some 19 year old
kids, they are right back on track. Sometimes people just need a little love!
But they are doign so well. I am actually at their hosue right now, they
invited us over to make pancakes. So ill be teaching them how to make pancakes
very shortly! Also, i dont know how to make pancakes. why did i not learn how
to cookANYTHING? im so useless. Haha oh well. After that we have a few people
who are goign to get baptized on the 30th if they can find the desire. They
both have the church attendance and everything, but just lack the desire to do
it. Desire is a tough thing because its the one thing you cant teach. But
either way, one is Antonellas grandma so thats cool! She is being a good
missionaruy adn inviting everyone to church. The grandma name is Doris so keep
her in your prayers. Thanks all of you!
I really am so
happy here in Coronel. Ive grown to love my savior so much and have grown a
ton. I know some of you think its all been terrible and everything with my
companion and i but everything is good now. Which sucks because cambios are in
2 weeks and one of us will leave because we already ahve 2 together. but I have
also gotten SO close to Elder Page. he is from Idaho and we are just best
friends. Every night we have story time and dance parties to the church music
we have on our phones, trade ties all the time, and we are constantly shooting
each other with nerf guns. hahaha its just the little joys...that hour after
working is PRECIOUS! But we love it. He goes home in June so he is dying soon.
But yeah, sure do love COronel. Its a really good sector!
Lastly. I
finished the book of mormon in spanish last sunday and i started reading it
again this week, but in english now. much better idea. I get alot more out of
it hahaha. Weird, cant imagine why? Anyway, this time im using a different
highlighter (#ZebraHighlighersThanksMar) and marking anything i see about
blessings of obedience. holy COW. it is seriously insane. EVERY page has at
least ONE thing. its so insnae. Ive never seen it before but its just FULL of
stuff about obedience. my favorite has been seeing the spiritual blessings, of
testimonies, not the physical blessings. Today in 1 nephi 17 i read v.13, which
says "Ye shall know that by me ye are led". Its a blessing ive never
really thought of before, but what better blessing for a missionary. To KNOW,
with a surety, that God is leading you. Thats something i struggle with a lot,
knowing if im doing what im supposed to in every situation, but i just have to
keep being obedient because in that way ill gain that testimony. I love the
scriptures so much. Its crazy how much i treasure that time now to study them.
Crazy how much ive changed from falling asleep reading them....last
Anyway, love
youa ll so much. Hope things are well there back in the states! Im so happy
down here. Also, its changing down to winter down here and im dying...Its so
Hope things are good and that the lord keeps blessing you. Keep your faith in
him and he will show you miracles.
Les quiero
Elder Tengberg
Here are some pictures from the mission activity. Brady is on the top right, under the guy standing with the black shirt.
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