Wow. so this email might be a little scatterbrained because i have SO SO SO much to write about and not nearly enough time! Seriously, these two weeks have been so crazy. We are teaching so many people right now and have two more baptisms coming up in a week and a half, and probably 3 more on either the 23rd or 30th if they can come to church this week. We are just having so much success here in coronel and i dont understand why. haha i dont feel like we deserve it, and it has nothing to do with what we are doing, because it isnt like we are doing anyhting special. the lord is just preparing these people in such a special way and allowing them to feel the spirit so quickly. Anyway....starting from the furthest back.
Angie and antonella got baptized! I obviously dont have enough time to talk about their whole stories, but both got baptized about a month after findig them. they both accepted the gospel so quick in their lives, and have made such amazing changes. they both come from really hard lives. antonella is 16 and angie is 28, and their lives are different, but they both just come from hard circumstances. but thats the beauty of the makes EVERYTHING unjust in the world okay. Their has been a signicant change in their countenance and happiness this last month, and ive loved witnessing it. Antonella this week has been reading the book of mormon like crazy and as we were asking her about it, she was like "well i have to know a lot if im going to serve a mission in 3 years, dont i??" ahaha umm YES that is so awesome! She would be a great missionary. she has a big heart and has really taken the gospel into her life.
Julio also got the priesthood last
week! That was really exciting....what else. haha sorry there is just somuch
that i want to talk about and no time to do it all!
We had a really cool conference this
past week. It was a special conference for the south of chile, and president
monson, sister burton of the relief society presidency, elder corbridge (area
of sur america president) and neil anderson spoke. it was SO cool. They talked
about some interesting stuff. most people thought it would be about the temple
here in conce, but it wasnt. Well, so they think. but it 100% was. Basically
according to what i know, they have delayed the temple building not so much
because of the site, but because the members of chile (here in the south) arent
doing enough to deserve it. The talks were ALL directed at the things required
to have a temple - choosing most important things over good, love for the
people, tithing, blessings of eternal families, how the home can be a temple.
it was 100% a "if you want your temple, get your butts into shape"
conference. They almost never do regional conferences like that, but it was
transmitted from slc and it was so incredible. We had 6 investigators in church
(and it was a conference in another city, pretty incredible) and they LOVED it.
I was so proud of them all for coming and we are about ready to see SO much
success here in coronel. Like the branch is about to take off. It just needs a
LITTL ebit more of a push and it will shoot off to being a ward and stuff.
Anyway, we are working really hard with that. I am just so happy because some
of the members are starting to thank us for the work we are doing, which is
something that has never happened before to me. Last week there were 10 menos
activo people in church, 6 investigators...and considering only 40 attend every
week thats substantial haha.
We also had a really cool activity on thursday. as missionaries we got sick of how the ward wasnt doing any activities, so WE did them. We put on one, bought all of the food and everything, and we had about 40 people show up! Granted about 20 of them were fleites who wanted to play ping pong, but HEY they came! And they all sat and listened during the mormon message and it was so cool to see. AFterwards the ward got SO excited and was like "Wow that was so cool to see the church full like that! That was awesome!" because usually about 5 people show up for the activities. Its really bad haha. But it just needed a little push and now its starting to take off.
Elder Page and i (he lives in the house with me and is one of my new best friends. i seriously love that kid. he goes home in june which is scary because i cant imagine being not in the mission anymore. like what did i DO with my time there? Why didnt i go visit poeple? is it normal just to go visit people? im going to be so weird when i come back....ugh #sorrymary) are modifying this idea that elder ramirez gave me (he came to stay at our house one night! we talked for SO long. we just were saying how much we miss serving toether and that was the best time of our missions. we were so unified and just had a blast. anyway, so good to see him again. he is training YET AGAIN, and is a zone leader. the kids a machine). anyway so we talked to the branch president and we are doing an activity for the branc called "SUper Sunday" and basically we are just going to have EVERY single member bring someone to churhc. every sinle one. We invited president martinez of the mission to come and speak, and he was more than willing to do it. that will be on the 24th of this month, so we have time to get the members excited. our goal is to fill the chapel so we will see how it goes! We are just so excited about coronel and really trying to keep up the animo. Its hard because as a companionship we still really arent where we should be at this point, but within the house the animo is super good. Me and elder page are stoked to see how it works. another branch in the mission did it and brought 30 non members to church, but we want 50. we´ll see!
Also, in the last two packages i have gotten a total of 24 individual reese´s...YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST: i love it so much. haha im so blessed. seriously you all do way too much. thanks mom for the st patricks day pacakge and the moodys for the valentines day one a few weeks ago! letters going out soon!
Also ryan and cristina, i know you guys are scared and its coming up fast. dont worry. ryan you will grow so much (like at least 2 inches, what, would that make you 4´11?) and cristina, there wont be anyhting better than seeing him grow. Its going to be okay. Being on your side ryan i know youre freaking out, and cristina i know you are too...but just lose yourself as fast as you can in the work, and itll be okay. talk to mary when you get to the mtc, she will tell you all of the stuff i told her. Youll see miracles in your two lives for what you are doing! I know heavenly father is proud of you two. Love you guys.
Anyway, love you all. this letter was scatterbrained and not good, i know. I love you all so much though. Its been a hard week. I am having to learn to be so humble, and accepting so much of my own faults. I love the gospel though. I know my natural self, and im not anymore. I truly have been changed and become such a better person. I see people critique me and accuse me of things i 1)didnt do and 2) wouldnt even BE offensive to most people, and instead of retaliating with logic or throwing back their faults, i just suck it up, apologize, and tell them i love them. like no part of that is brady tengberg. i have realized that i have truly been changed so much being a missionary. its so cool and i dont deserve it. I know my natural self is arrogant, prideful, egoistic and a lot of other stupid impatient prideful traits, and just being out here, heavenly father has blessed me so much. i feel so grateful to be a missionary, to be a messenger of christ, and to get to bring these precious souls back to heavenly father. being a missionary...theres nothing like it.
Les quiero mucho!
We also had a really cool activity on thursday. as missionaries we got sick of how the ward wasnt doing any activities, so WE did them. We put on one, bought all of the food and everything, and we had about 40 people show up! Granted about 20 of them were fleites who wanted to play ping pong, but HEY they came! And they all sat and listened during the mormon message and it was so cool to see. AFterwards the ward got SO excited and was like "Wow that was so cool to see the church full like that! That was awesome!" because usually about 5 people show up for the activities. Its really bad haha. But it just needed a little push and now its starting to take off.
Elder Page and i (he lives in the house with me and is one of my new best friends. i seriously love that kid. he goes home in june which is scary because i cant imagine being not in the mission anymore. like what did i DO with my time there? Why didnt i go visit poeple? is it normal just to go visit people? im going to be so weird when i come back....ugh #sorrymary) are modifying this idea that elder ramirez gave me (he came to stay at our house one night! we talked for SO long. we just were saying how much we miss serving toether and that was the best time of our missions. we were so unified and just had a blast. anyway, so good to see him again. he is training YET AGAIN, and is a zone leader. the kids a machine). anyway so we talked to the branch president and we are doing an activity for the branc called "SUper Sunday" and basically we are just going to have EVERY single member bring someone to churhc. every sinle one. We invited president martinez of the mission to come and speak, and he was more than willing to do it. that will be on the 24th of this month, so we have time to get the members excited. our goal is to fill the chapel so we will see how it goes! We are just so excited about coronel and really trying to keep up the animo. Its hard because as a companionship we still really arent where we should be at this point, but within the house the animo is super good. Me and elder page are stoked to see how it works. another branch in the mission did it and brought 30 non members to church, but we want 50. we´ll see!
Also, in the last two packages i have gotten a total of 24 individual reese´s...YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST: i love it so much. haha im so blessed. seriously you all do way too much. thanks mom for the st patricks day pacakge and the moodys for the valentines day one a few weeks ago! letters going out soon!
Also ryan and cristina, i know you guys are scared and its coming up fast. dont worry. ryan you will grow so much (like at least 2 inches, what, would that make you 4´11?) and cristina, there wont be anyhting better than seeing him grow. Its going to be okay. Being on your side ryan i know youre freaking out, and cristina i know you are too...but just lose yourself as fast as you can in the work, and itll be okay. talk to mary when you get to the mtc, she will tell you all of the stuff i told her. Youll see miracles in your two lives for what you are doing! I know heavenly father is proud of you two. Love you guys.
Anyway, love you all. this letter was scatterbrained and not good, i know. I love you all so much though. Its been a hard week. I am having to learn to be so humble, and accepting so much of my own faults. I love the gospel though. I know my natural self, and im not anymore. I truly have been changed and become such a better person. I see people critique me and accuse me of things i 1)didnt do and 2) wouldnt even BE offensive to most people, and instead of retaliating with logic or throwing back their faults, i just suck it up, apologize, and tell them i love them. like no part of that is brady tengberg. i have realized that i have truly been changed so much being a missionary. its so cool and i dont deserve it. I know my natural self is arrogant, prideful, egoistic and a lot of other stupid impatient prideful traits, and just being out here, heavenly father has blessed me so much. i feel so grateful to be a missionary, to be a messenger of christ, and to get to bring these precious souls back to heavenly father. being a missionary...theres nothing like it.
Les quiero mucho!
Elder Tengberg
here are some of the pictures from today and from the past few weeks. We had a big whole-mission activity today and that was a blast. i got to see all my friends from the the mtc and that was the best. i love elder white so much, and i really hope one day we are together. i saw ramirez, wray, watt, long, townsend. all my good buddies. and freaking elder townsend got made assistant! hahaha so crazy. he has the same time as us in the mission but came here one cambio early because he already knew spanish. apparently he´s doing somethign right....
anyway, heres the fotos!
here are some of the pictures from today and from the past few weeks. We had a big whole-mission activity today and that was a blast. i got to see all my friends from the the mtc and that was the best. i love elder white so much, and i really hope one day we are together. i saw ramirez, wray, watt, long, townsend. all my good buddies. and freaking elder townsend got made assistant! hahaha so crazy. he has the same time as us in the mission but came here one cambio early because he already knew spanish. apparently he´s doing somethign right....
anyway, heres the fotos!
I have no idea what order they are
in, but ill do my best to get it right.
these things on the lines are all
FISH. my sector smells like pure fish. no joke. ugh.
This is me and elder white and
townsend and watt! THese are our zone shirts too. im in coronel, townsend in
the office, watt in Lebu, white in Talcuahano sur.
This is all of my zone with
president!! Hahahaha our shirts say "Ai Guant Yu" or "I want
you". he was laughing SO hard when he saw them. we far. hahaha so
awesome. Im definitely keeping this one!
Me and elder white!
me being stupid. mary IM NOT AS
dont remember the others, but eating
berries is one of them that i found in the forest (hunger games THAT mary, i
ate nightwalkers or whatever the crap theyre called), my BAPTISM!!!! angie is
on the right with elder salazar, antonella with me on the left. more of them
monday! and then me playing ping pong with dino, marcelo, juan pablo y diego.
diego is the youngest one, marcelo is on my left standing up straight. they get
baptized in two weeks!
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