Sunday, February 10, 2013

Living the Dream in Chile- Email 1/28/13

Hey there family! Well i literaly haveno time left, i am so sorry. This email is 100% going to suck but i will still try to do the best that i can to give you some of the highlights!

First off, SISTER MARY MOODY! Goodness i cant believe that this time has come. Six months ago we had no idea what was going to happen. Literally no clue. Now, looking back, we have seen the most miraculous story unfold where it is just so blatantly clear that he lord has blessed both of us and our families and people in hong kong and chile. His hand is so intricate in every one of our lives, and i know rigt now he is preparing people in Hong Kong to hear your unbelievably powerful testimony. I am so proud of you Mary! Good luck in the MTC! And dont eat the scrambled eggs there with orange juice at the same time....just a warning. Youre going to kill it and ill be praying for you extra hard as you go in this week!

Its been a hard week. Coronel is a hard sector and there are SO many catholics and evangelicals here. The average conversation is "I have my religion, go away. You guys worship John Smith." Well NO WE DONT. Good thing im like super patient, right? But its just a had sector. There are literaly churches on EVERY corner but we are still finding lots of success. Just so you know what im talking bout, we probably have knocked aroud 400 doors this week. And gotten into...about 20. Haha never have had so many doors slammed LITERALY on my hand or foot as i try to get somethin in the door. But it wasnt easy for Christ, and it wont be easy for us. But we are going to keep trying.

Julio is pure gold. Honestly, i love that guy so much. He has such a sweet testimony and is already praying in church, singing the hymns, reading like crazy, and is just so ready for his baptism. He will be batized on Feb 8, friday, because we have a church activity saturday. So keep him in your prayers! He is our only seguro fecha right now, but we have some other people too that i mentioned last week who are progressing as well. Its just hard to get people to church, because EVERYONE here goes to the beach on sundays or wakes up at 11 or just doesnt go w hen they say they will. Its really frustrating, but its okay! Other people to keep in yourprayers are Enrique and Angie. Enrique is about 50 and we contacted him outside of a bar. He actualy just works ther and is going through a REALLY Hard time. About a year ago, his family left him and he has nothing right now. Anyway, he accepted a baptismal date the first lesson and he is realy excited to keep progressing. He got kicked out of the house he was living in here in Coronel, so it might be a little harder to progress fast, but i am so happy for him. As he prayed that first night, he just started to cry and said "thank you heavenly father for these kids who came to me. Please bless them so that they can help other people like me too". We are realy excited for him. Keep up the prayers! He has some hard habits to drop but the lord is obviously very mindful of him and will be helping him a ton.

Angie is about 28 and was left by her mother and father and has NO family.She is part of a special program here in chile and i think was born from drug parents because she is jsut realy slow in talking. but she understands like crazy and she has the biggest faith ever. She went from smoking 15 cigarrettes a day to 1. In one day. Like she was saying  "I want to get baptized in your church" and is reading a ton and is super excited. She had to go to the fair to work on sunday because she needs to earn money to buy new glasses, but she is coming this next sunday and will be working to a feb 23 fecha. 
Thats the main people for this week. We have been working really hard with them and are focusing our efforts there. Its hard because we want to focus on everyone but they are the most seguro right now. We are praying for them like crazy! Keep up your prayers too.

I am happier than i have ever been. Its odd, because its not like a happy all smiles and stuff. Heck, yesterday i sat down on a curb and just wanted to quit because i was SO sick of people that are so hard of heart and dont want to accept this gospel. But then Elder Salazar picked me up, and we prayed, and we immediately talked to a less ative lady where i said things that were answers to my own prayers. we talked about mosiah 2:41, where the lord blesses those who keep his commandments. Its foolish to think that they come in your time. As i talked to this lady, tears just started streaming down my face and then hers because i was listening to myself say (seriously, weirdest thing ever. It was obviously the spirit because i was listening to myself talk!) that the lord is more mindful of you than he ever has been, and wont let you suffer. He will blss you, but it has to be in his time. Just trust in him and let the miracles come in their own time. 

Anyway, thats the biggest thing right now. So although im not happy in the sense of smiles and wooo and dance parties and playing NBA jam with andrew (when the HECK ARE YOU GETTING YOURMISSION CALL??? EMAIL ME BRO!) and in n out, i have never been so content with my life and my relationhip with the savior. And thats all that matters. I know who i am, i know god loves me, and i know this is his work. I love you all, and ill write more next week! 

Les quiero mucho.
Elder Tengberg

the photos are of elder salazars year mark! he completed one year on the 26th. We burned  shirt....and had cereal. its th end of the month and thats the best we could do.
Baptism sign in the street wooo! We are such hoodrats, huh?

the boat in the back is called Esmeralda. It was here in the port for a day and the line to go on was over a mile long. WHATS THE BIG DEAL? It apparently captured some peruvian ship (i let elder salazar hear plenty about that) the Huascar, but to me it just looks like a crapy version of the star of india. Is that bad? Ill take on the esmeralda with the USS about that?

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